- emunctory
- 1. [ıʹmʌŋ(k)t(ə)rı] n физиол. редк.
1. выделительный орган (о почке и т. п.)2. выводной проток2. [ıʹmʌŋ(k)t(ə)rı] a физиол.1. выделительный; выводной; экскреторный2. относящийся к сморканию
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Emunctory — E*munc to*ry, n.; pl. {Emunctories}. [L. emunctorium a pair of snuffers, fr. emungere, emunctum, to blow the nose, hence, to wipe, cleanse; e out + mungere to blow the nose: cf. F. [ e]monctoire, formerly spelled also [ e]monctoire.] (Physiol.)… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
emunctory — [ē muŋk′tə rē] n. pl. emunctories [ModL emunctorium < pp. of L emungere, to blow the nose, cleanse < e , out + mungere, to blow the nose: for IE base see MUCUS] any organ or part of the body that gives off waste products, as the kidneys,… … English World dictionary
emunctory — 1. adjective Pertaining to the elimination of waste from the body. A mixture of poor diet and poor hygiene caused him inflammation of the emunctory aperture. See Also: emunction 2. noun Any part of the body which carries or removes waste … Wiktionary
emunctory — associated with farting Literally, no more than relating to a bodily duct or orifice having an excretory use, including sweat glands: Perhaps I do have a tendency to emunctory moments, but so do many elderly men. (L. Thomas, 1994 he… … How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms
emunctory — /i mungk teuh ree/, n., pl. emunctories, adj. Physiol. n. 1. a part or organ of the body, as the skin or a kidney, that functions in carrying off waste products. adj. 2. excretory. [1535 45; < NL emunctorium (n.), emunctorius (adj.), equiv. to L… … Universalium
emunctory — emunc·to·ry i məŋ(k) t(ə )rē n, pl ries an organ (as a kidney) or part of the body (as the skin) that carries off body wastes * * * emunc·to·ry (e munkґtə re) [L. emungere to cleanse] 1. excretory or depurant. 2. any excretory organ or duct … Medical dictionary
emunctory — n. secreting, discharging (pertaining to a part of the body) adj. excretory … English contemporary dictionary
emunctory — emunc·to·ry … English syllables
emunctory — /əˈmʌŋktəri/ (say uh mungktuhree) noun (plural emunctories) 1. a part or organ of the body, as the skin, a kidney, etc., carrying off waste products. –adjective 2. excretory. {New Latin, from Latin ēmunctōrium a pair of snuffers} …
emunctory — a.,n. excretory (organ) … Dictionary of difficult words
emunctory — ə̇ˈməŋ(k)t(ə)rē, ēˈ noun ( es) Etymology: New Latin emunctorium, from Latin emunctus (past participle of emungere to blow or wipe the nose, from e + mungere, akin to mucus) + orium ory more at mucus archaic : an organ or part of the body (as … Useful english dictionary