- empress
- [ʹemprıs] n
1) императрица2) царица, повелительница, владычица
empress of the night - царица ночи (о луне)
the empress of his heart - владычица его сердца
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
empress of the night - царица ночи (о луне)
the empress of his heart - владычица его сердца
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Empress Li Zu'e — (李祖娥) was an empress of the Chinese dynasty Northern Qi, known at times semi formally as Empress Zhaoxin (昭信皇后) (due to her residence being Zhaoxin Palace). Her husband was Emperor Wenxuan (Gao Yang).Li Zu e was the daughter of Li Xizong (李希宗),… … Wikipedia
Empress Fu (Ai) — Empress Fu (傅皇后) (died 1 BC), formally Empress Xiaoai (孝哀皇后), was an empress during Han Dynasty. Her personal name is unknown. Her husband (perhaps in name only, for he appeared to be far more enamored with his male favorite and probable lover… … Wikipedia
Empress He — may refer to:*Empress He (Ling), empress during Han Dynasty *Empress Dowager He (Sun Hao), empress dowager during the reign of her son Sun Hao, Emperor of Eastern Wu during the Three Kingdoms period *Empress He Jingying, empress of the Chinese… … Wikipedia
Empress Hu — may refer to:*Empress Hu (Wucheng), empress of the Chinese dynasty Northern Qi *Empress Hu (Xiaoming), empress of the Chinese/Xianbei dynasty Northern Wei *Empress Dowager Hu (Xiaoming), empress dowager of the Chinese dynasty Northern Wei… … Wikipedia
Empress Li — may refer to:*Empress Li (Huiyi), Chinese empress of Emperor Huiyi in Northern and Southern Dynasties *Empress Li (Gao), empress of the Chinese/Di state Former Qin *Empress Li (Li Shi), empress of the Chinese/Di state Cheng Han *Empress Li Zu e,… … Wikipedia
Empress — Hotel The Fairmont Empress, allgemein nur als das Empress bekannt, ist ein historisches Schlosshotel in Victoria, der Hauptstadt der kanadischen Provinz British Columbia. Seit 1980 ist es als National Historic Site anerkannt. Das Empress liegt am … Deutsch Wikipedia
Empress — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Empress es un personaje de ficción, una superheroína en el universo de DC Comics. Biografía del personaje Anita Fite es la hija de Donald Fite, del Escuadrón de Fuerza de Todo Propósito, quien con su compañero Ishido … Wikipedia Español
Empress — Em press, n. [OE. empress, emperice, OF. empereis, empereris, fr. L. imperatrix, fem. of imperator. See {Emperor}.] 1. The consort of an emperor. Shak. [1913 Webster] 2. A female sovereign. [1913 Webster] 3. A sovereign mistress. Empress of my… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Empress Qi — (齊皇后, personal name unknown) was an empress of the Chinese/Qiang state Later Qin. Her husband was Yao Xing (Emperor Wenhuan).Very little is known about Empress Qi. She was promoted to empress from the imperial consort title Zhaoyi (昭儀) in 412. No … Wikipedia
Empress — (Амстердам,Нидерланды) Категория отеля: Адрес: Keizersgacht 329, Амстердам центр города … Каталог отелей
empress — mid 12c., emperice, from O.Fr. emperesse, fem. of emperere (see EMPEROR (Cf. emperor)). Queen Victoria in 1876 became one as Empress of India … Etymology dictionary