- emissary
- 1. [ʹemıs(ə)rı] n
1. эмиссар; агент2. шпион, разведчик, лазутчик2. [ʹemıs(ə)rı] a1. посланный, посылаемый2. агентурный, разведывательный3. отводящий (о венах и др. сосудах)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Emissary — may refer to: * Ambassador * Diplomat * The Subspace Emissary in Super Smash Bros. Brawl * Emissaries (album), an album by black metal group Melechesh * Emissary (hydraulics), channel by which an outlet is formed to carry off any stagnant body of … Wikipedia
Emissary — Em is*sa*ry, n.; pl. {Emissaries}. [L. emissarius, fr. emittere, emissum, to send out: cf. F. [ e]missaire. See {Emit}.] An agent employed to advance, in a covert manner, the interests of his employers; one sent out by any power that is at war… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
emissary — em·is·sary / e mə ˌser ē/ n pl sar·ies: a representative usu. empowered to act more or less independently (as in collecting or conveying information or in negotiating) Merriam Webster’s Dictionary of Law. Merriam Webster. 1996. emissary … Law dictionary
emissary — [em′i ser΄ē] n. pl. emissaries [L emissarius < pp. of emittere: see EMIT] a person or agent sent on a specific mission adj. of, or serving as, an emissary or emissaries … English World dictionary
Emissary — Em is*sa*ry, a. 1. Exploring; spying. B. Jonson. [1913 Webster] 2. (Anat.) Applied to the veins which pass out of the cranium through apertures in its walls. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
emissary — (n.) 1620s, from Fr. émissaire (17c.) or directly L. emissarius, lit. that is sent out, from emissus, pp. of emittere send forth (see EMIT (Cf. emit)) … Etymology dictionary
emissary — [n] deputy agent, ambassador, bearer, carrier, consul, courier, delegate, envoy, front, go between, herald, hired gun*, intermediary, internuncio, legate, messenger, rep*, representative, scout, spy; concepts 348,423 … New thesaurus
emissary — ► NOUN (pl. emissaries) ▪ a person sent as a diplomatic representative on a special mission. ORIGIN Latin emissarius scout, spy , from emittere emit … English terms dictionary
emissary — n. an emissary to * * * [ emɪs(ə)rɪ] an emissary to … Combinatory dictionary
emissary — [[t]e̱mɪsəri, AM seri[/t]] emissaries N COUNT An emissary is a representative sent by one government or leader to another. [FORMAL] ...the President s special emissary to Hanoi … English dictionary
emissary — UK [ˈemɪsərɪ] / US [ˈemɪˌserɪ] noun [countable] Word forms emissary : singular emissary plural emissaries formal someone who does a job for a government or a leader, especially someone who delivers a message for them … English dictionary