- emigratory
- [ʹemıgreıt(ə)rı] a
1. переселяющийся; эмигрирующий2. эмиграционный3. редк.1) перелётный (о птице)2) мигрирующий (о животных)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
emigratory — /em i greuh tawr ee, tohr ee/, adj. migratory. [1830 40; EMIGRATE + ORY1] * * * … Universalium
emigratory — adj. wandering, nomadic, straying; emigrating, immigrating; of birds or other animals that relocate seasonally; migratory … English contemporary dictionary
emigratory — em·i·gra·to·ry … English syllables
emigratory — ˈemə̇grəˌtōrē, mēg , ȯr , ri adjective : relating to or engaged in emigration; usually : migratory … Useful english dictionary
Saudade — articleissues article = y refimprove = August 2008 original research = March 2008Saudade (singular) or saudades (plural) (pronounced|sawˈdade in Galician, pronounced|sawˈdadɨ in European Portuguese and IPA| [sawˈdadʒi] or IPA| [sawˈdadi] in… … Wikipedia
Edenhall, the Luck of — In the Victoria and Albert Museum is a delicate painted and gilded glass beaker, made in Syria in the middle of the 13th century. How and when it reached England is unknown, but some verses of 1729 mention it by name, and indicate it was a… … A Dictionary of English folklore
emigrate — v. 1 intr. leave one s own country to settle in another. 2 tr. assist (a person) to emigrate. Derivatives: emigration n. emigratory adj. Etymology: L emigrare emigrat (as E , migrare depart) … Useful english dictionary