- embracive
- [ımʹbreısıv] a
1. ласковый, любящий обниматься2. всеобъемлющий
embracive political and economic controls - всесторонние политические и экономические ограничения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
embracive political and economic controls - всесторонние политические и экономические ограничения
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Embracive — Em*bra cive, a. Disposed to embrace; fond of caressing. [R.] Thackeray. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
embracive — adjective Date: 1855 1. disposed to embrace 2. inclusive, comprehensive … New Collegiate Dictionary
embracive — embracively, adv. /em bray siv/, adj. 1. thoroughly embracing or encompassing. 2. given to embracing or caressing. [1850 55; EMBRACE1 + IVE] * * * … Universalium
embracive — em·brac·ive … English syllables
embracive — siv adjective 1. : disposed to embrace 2. : inclusive, comprehensive … Useful english dictionary
Religious ground motive — (RGM) is a conceptual construct of the reformational philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd. Dooyeweerd saw four great distinct value systems that contested the general formative power over Western culture and civilization for within in comparison, say … Wikipedia
minute# — minute n *instant, moment, second, flash, jiffy, twinkling, split second minute adj 1 *small, little, diminutive, miniature, wee, tiny, teeny, weeny 2 *circumstantial, particular, particularized, detailed, itemized Analogous words: meticulous,… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
embrace — [c]/ɛmˈbreɪs / (say em brays) verb (embraced, embracing) –verb (t) 1. to take or clasp in the arms; press to the bosom; hug. 2. to take or receive (an idea, etc.) gladly or eagerly; accept willingly. 3. to avail oneself of (an opportunity, etc.) …
exhaustive — [adj] all inclusive, complete allembracing, all encompassing, all out, catholic, comprehensive, embracive, encyclopedic, extensive, far reaching, from A to Z*, full, full blown, full dress*, full scale, in depth, intensive, no stone unturned*,… … New thesaurus
em|bra|cive — «ehm BRAY sihv», adjective. completely surrounding; encompassing: »The totalitarian state imposes embracive political and economic controls … Useful english dictionary