- emarginate
- 1. [ıʹmɑ:dʒınıt] a
выемчатый; вырезной (о листе и т. п.)2. [ıʹmɑ:dʒıneıt] vне оставлять полей; обрезать края
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Emarginate — E*mar gi*nate, v. t. [L. emarginare; e out + marginare to furnish with a margin, fr. margo margin.] To take away the margin of … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Emarginate — E*mar gi*nate, Emarginated E*mar gi*na ted, a. 1. Having the margin interrupted by a notch or shallow sinus. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) Notched at the summit. [1913 Webster] 3. (Cryst.) Having the edges truncated. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
emarginate — [ē mär′jə nit, ē mär′jənāt΄; imär′jə nit, imär′jə nāt΄] adj. [L emarginatus, pp. of emarginare, to deprive of its edge: see E & MARGINATE] having a notched margin or tip, as some leaves or wings: also emarginated … English World dictionary
emarginate — adjective Roughly the same height for most of its length, becoming much shallower before reaching the attachment point. In this group of mushrooms, the attachment of the gills to the stipe is emarginate … Wiktionary
Emarginate Harlequin Bat — Taxobox name = Emarginate Harlequin Bat status = DD | status system = IUCN2.3 regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Mammalia ordo = Chiroptera familia = Vespertilionidae genus = Scotomanes species = S. emarginatus binomial = Scotomanes… … Wikipedia
emarginate — adjective Etymology: Latin emarginatus, past participle of emarginare to deprive of a margin, from e + margin , margo margin Date: 1794 having the margin notched • emargination noun … New Collegiate Dictionary
emarginate — having an edge slightly concave; shallowly forked (particularly of caudal fin); indented … Dictionary of ichthyology
emarginate — adj. [L. emarginatus, notched at the apex] 1. Having a margin or apex notched or indented. 2. (MOLLUSCA) Having the margin of the outer lip notched or variously excavated … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
emarginate — emarginately, adv. emargination, n. /i mahr jeuh nayt , nit/, adj. 1. notched at the margin. 2. Bot. notched at the apex, as a petal or leaf. Also, emarginated. [1785 95; < L emarginatus deprived of its edge, equiv. to e E + margin (see MARGIN) + … Universalium
emarginate — Nicked; with broken margin. SYN: notched. [L. emargino, to deprive of its edge, fr. e priv. + margo (margin ), edge] … Medical dictionary
emarginate — Having a slight notch or indentation [Butler, T.H.]. (Order Isopoda): Having the margin concave [Kensley and Schotte, 1989] … Crustacea glossary