
1. [ʹelıveıtıd] n разг.
2. [ʹelıveıtıd] a
1. высокий, возвышенный, поднятый

elevated lakes - горные озёра

2. надземный

elevated line /road/ - дорога на эстакаде

elevated railway /амер. railroad/ - надземная железная дорога (на эстакаде)

elevated train - поезд надземной железной дороги

3. 1) высокий, возвышенный; величественный

elevated poetry - высокая поэзия

elevated thoughts - возвышенные мысли

an elevated mind - высокий ум

2) полный достоинства
4. возбуждённый; в приподнятом настроении
5. шутл. подвыпивший, навеселе, под хмельком

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "elevated" в других словарях:

  • Elevated — El e*va ted, a. Uplifted; high; lofty; also, animated; noble; as, elevated thoughts. [1913 Webster] {Elevated railway}, one in which the track is raised considerably above the ground, especially a city railway above the line of street travel.… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • elevated — [el′əvāt΄id] adj. 1. lifted up; raised; high 2. exalted; dignified; lofty 3. high spirited; exhilarated 4. higher than normal [an elevated temperature] n. ☆ ELEVATED RAILWAY …   English World dictionary

  • elevated — elevated; un·elevated; …   English syllables

  • elevated — [adj1] highly moral or dignified animated, big time*, bright, elated, eloquent, eminent, ethical, exalted, exhilarated, formal, grand, grandiloquent, heavy, high, high flown*, high minded, honorable, inflated, lofty, noble, righteous, stately,… …   New thesaurus

  • elevated — index ecstatic, famous, magnanimous, meritorious, outstanding (prominent), prominent, sacrosanct …   Law dictionary

  • elevated — ► ADJECTIVE ▪ of a high intellectual or moral level …   English terms dictionary

  • elevated — el|e|vat|ed [ˈelıveıtıd] adj 1.) elevated thoughts, words etc seem to be intelligent or of high moral standard ▪ elevated philosophical language 2.) [only before noun] an elevated position or rank is very important and respected 3.) raised off… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • elevated — [[t]e̱lɪveɪtɪd[/t]] 1) ADJ: usu ADJ n A person, job, or role that is elevated is very important or of very high rank. His career has blossomed and that has given him a certain elevated status. 2) ADJ GRADED: usu ADJ n If thoughts or ideas are… …   English dictionary

  • elevated — adjective 1 elevated thoughts, words etc seem to be intelligent or of high moral standard: elevated philosophical language 2 (only before noun) an elevated position or rank is very important 3 higher up than other things: From our elevated… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • elevated — I. adjective Date: 1553 1. a. raised especially above the ground or other surface < an elevated highway > b. increased especially abnormally (as in degree or amount) < elevated blood pressure > 2. a. being morally or intellectually on a high… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • elevated — /el euh vay tid/, adj. 1. raised up, esp. above the ground or above the normal level: an elevated platform; an elevated pulse. 2. exalted or noble; lofty: elevated thoughts. 3. elated; joyful. n. 4. an elevated railroad. [1545 55; ELEVATE + ED2]… …   Universalium

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