elegiac — [el΄ə jī′ə kəlel ē′jē ak΄, i lē′jē ak΄; el΄ə jī′ak΄, el΄ə jī′ək] adj. [LL elegiacus < Gr elegeiakos < elegeia: see ELEGY] 1. Gr. & Latin Prosody of or composed in dactylic hexameter couplets, the second line (sometimes called a pentameter)… … English World dictionary
Elegiacal — El e*gi a*cal, a. Elegiac. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
elegiac — also elegiacal adjective Etymology: Late Latin elegiacus, from Greek elegeiakos, from elegeion Date: 1542 1. a. of, relating to, or consisting of two dactylic hexameter lines the second of which lacks the arsis in the third and sixth feet b. (1)… … New Collegiate Dictionary
elegiac — /el i juy euhk, ak, i lee jee ak /, adj. Also, elegiacal. 1. used in, suitable for, or resembling an elegy. 2. expressing sorrow or lamentation: elegiac strains. 3. Class. Pros. noting a distich the first line of which is a dactylic hexameter and … Universalium
elegiac — /ɛləˈdʒaɪək/ (say eluh juyuhk) adjective Also, elegiacal. 1. Classical Prosody denoting a distich the first line of which is a dactylic hexameter and the second a pentameter, or a verse differing from the hexameter by suppression of the arsis or… …
elegiacal — adjective see elegiac … New Collegiate Dictionary
elegiacal — See elegiac. * * * … Universalium
elegiacal — adjective elegiac; expressing sorrow … Wiktionary
elegiac — el·e·gi·ac || ‚elɪ dÊ’aɪək n. elegy, lament, dirge, mournful poem adj. sad, mournful (also elegiacal) … English contemporary dictionary
elegiac — adj elegiacal, sorrowful, plaintive, mournful; sad, Fr. triste. melancholy; lugubrious, maudlin, emotional; epicedial, dirge like, threnodic, funereal, somber … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
elegiacal — adjective see elegiac I … Useful english dictionary