- electrovalence
- [ı͵lektrə(ʋ)ʹveıləns] n хим.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
électrovalence — [ elɛktrovalɑ̃s ] n. f. • 1936; de électro et valence ♦ Chim. 1 ♦ Liaison chimique formée entre deux ions de charge opposée quand un atome transfère des électrons à un autre atome. 2 ♦ Nombre d électrons qu un atome gagne ou perd lors de la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
electrovalence — [ē lek΄trō vā′lənt, i lek΄trō vā′lənt, ē lek΄trə vā′lənt, i lek΄trə vā′ləntē lek΄trō vā′ləns, ilek΄trō vā′ləns; ē lek΄trəvā′ləns, i lek΄trəvā′ləns] n. 1. the number of electrons an atom gains or loses in forming a compound during a chemical… … English World dictionary
électrovalence — elektroninis valentingumas statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: angl. electrovalency vok. Elektrovalenz, f rus. электровалентность, f pranc. électrovalence, f; valence électrochimique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas
electrovalence — electrovalent, adj. electrovalently, adv. /i lek troh vay leuhns/, n. Chem. 1. Also called polar valence. the valence of an ion, equal to the number of positive or negative charges acquired by an atom through a loss or gain of electrons. 2. Also… … Universalium
electrovalence — elec·tro·va·lence (e lek″tro vaґləns) 1. the number of charges an atom acquires by the gain or loss of electrons in forming an ionic bond. 2. the ionic bonding resulting from such a transfer of electrons … Medical dictionary
electrovalence — e•lec•tro•va•lence [[t]ɪˌlɛk troʊˈveɪ ləns[/t]] also e•lec tro•va′len•cy n. 1) chem. the valence of an ion, equal to the number of positive or negative charges acquired by an atom through a loss or gain of electrons 2) chem. Also called… … From formal English to slang
electrovalence — “+ noun or electrovalency “+ Etymology: electr + valence, valency : valence characterized by the transfer of one or more electrons from one atom to another with the formation of ions (as in sodium chloride and other simple salts); also : the… … Useful english dictionary
VALENCE — À toute représentation de la matière qui la suppose grenue, se rattachent deux genres d’intuitions, l’une privilégiant les formes, l’autre les forces. On peut, en effet, imaginer sous le mode de l’intensité les interactions entre les particules… … Encyclopédie Universelle
electrovalenţă — ELECTROVALÉNŢĂ, electrovalenţe, s.f. Legătură chimică stabilită între ioni cu sarcini electrice de semn contrar, datorită forţelor de atracţie dintre aceştia. – Din fr. électrovalence. Trimis de LauraGellner, 12.06.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 … … Dicționar Român
polar valence — noun 1. : electrovalence 2. : covalence characterized by unequal distribution of electrons between the atoms united * * * Chem. electrovalence (def. 1). * * * polar valence, Chemistry. electrovalence … Useful english dictionary
SILICATES — Les silicates et les différentes formes de silice qui s’y rattachent ont une importante industrielle et géochimique considérable. Ces minéraux, matières premières des industries du bâtiment, de la verrerie, de la céramique, et constituants des… … Encyclopédie Universelle