- elasticize
- [ıʹlæstısaız] v
продёргивать резинку
to elasticize the waistband of a dress - собрать платье в поясе на тонкую резинку
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
to elasticize the waistband of a dress - собрать платье в поясе на тонкую резинку
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
elasticize — (Amer.) v. make elastic; put elastic into something to make it stretchy (also elasticise) … English contemporary dictionary
elasticize — [ē las′tə sīz΄, ilas′tə sīz΄] vt. elasticized, elasticizing to make (fabric) elastic, as by interweaving with rubber strands … English World dictionary
elasticize — /i las teuh suyz /, v.t., elasticized, elasticizing. to make elastic, as by furnishing with elastic bands: to elasticize the waistband of a dress. Also, esp. Brit., elasticise. [ELASTIC + IZE] * * * … Universalium
elasticize — elastic ► ADJECTIVE 1) able to resume normal shape spontaneously after being stretched or squeezed. 2) flexible and adaptable. ► NOUN ▪ cord, tape, or fabric which returns to its original length or shape after being stretched. DERIVATIVES… … English terms dictionary
elasticize — /i las teuh suyz /, v.t., elasticized, elasticizing. to make elastic, as by furnishing with elastic bands: to elasticize the waistband of a dress. Also, esp. Brit., elasticise. [ELASTIC + IZE] * * * elasˈticize or elasˈticise / ti sīz/ transitive … Useful english dictionary
elasticize — verb To make with elastic, by attaching elastic bands, so it adjust in size and remains snug. Usually done to clothing … Wiktionary
elasticize — e•las•ti•cize [[t]ɪˈlæs təˌsaɪz[/t]] v. t. cized, ciz•ing to make elastic, as by inserting elastic cords or threads • Etymology: 1905–10 … From formal English to slang
elasticized — elasticize (Amer.) v. make elastic; put elastic into something to make it stretchy (also elasticise) … English contemporary dictionary
elasticizes — elasticize (Amer.) v. make elastic; put elastic into something to make it stretchy (also elasticise) … English contemporary dictionary
elasticizing — elasticize (Amer.) v. make elastic; put elastic into something to make it stretchy (also elasticise) … English contemporary dictionary
vulcanize — Synonyms and related words: blaze, blister, brand, burn, burn in, burn off, cast, cauterize, char, coal, crack, cupel, elasticize, flame, found, oxidate, oxidize, parch, pyrolyze, rubber, rubberize, scorch, sear, singe, solder, swinge, torrefy,… … Moby Thesaurus