- ejective
- [ıʹdʒektıv] a
1. извергающий, выбрасывающий2. фон. толчковый, эйективный (о согласном)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Ejective — Consonne éjective Mode d’articulation Obstruction Constrictive Occlusive Affriquée Fricative Sonante Spirante Liquide Semi voyelle Vibrante Roulée Battue … Wikipédia en Français
Éjective — Consonne éjective Mode d’articulation Obstruction Constrictive Occlusive Affriquée Fricative Sonante Spirante Liquide Semi voyelle Vibrante Roulée Battue … Wikipédia en Français
éjective — ● éjectif, éjective adjectif éjective nom féminin Se dit d une consonne produite avec une élévation du larynx, qui a pour effet de comprimer le volume d air confiné entre la glotte et le point d articulation et d entraîner un renforcement de la… … Encyclopédie Universelle
ejective — ejectively, adv. /i jek tiv/, adj. 1. serving to eject. 2. Phonet. (of a voiceless stop, affricate, or fricative) produced with air compressed above the closed glottis. n. 3. Phonet. an ejective stop, affricate, or fricative. [1650 60; EJECT +… … Universalium
ejective — /əˈdʒɛktɪv/ (say uh jektiv), /i / (say ee ) adjective 1. serving to eject. 2. Phonetics (of a stop or fricative) produced with air compressed above the closed glottis. –noun 3. Phonetics an ejective stop or fricative …
ejective Phonetics — [ɪ dʒɛktɪv] adjective denoting a type of consonant in some languages (e.g. Hausa) produced by sudden release of pressure from the glottis … English new terms dictionary
Ejective consonant — In phonetics, ejective consonants are voiceless consonants that are pronounced with simultaneous closure of the glottis. In the phonology of a particular language, ejectives may contrast with aspirated or tenuis consonants. Additionally, some… … Wikipedia
ejective — adjective see eject … New Collegiate Dictionary
ejective — noun /iˈdʒɛktɪv/ Non pulmonic consonants formed by squeezing air trapped between the glottis and an articulator further forward, and releasing it suddenly … Wiktionary
ejective — ejec·tive … English syllables
ejective — … Useful english dictionary