
1. [ə͵lɒŋʹsaıd] adv
1. 1) рядом, около; бок о бок; вблизи

sit alongside me - садись рядом (со мной)

2) в дополнение к; совместно с

this list enumerates units to be used alongside the SI units - в этом списке перечисляются единицы, которые можно использовать в дополнение к единицам международной системы

2. мор.
1) у борта, вдоль борта; борт о борт; к борту

to tow a ship alongside - буксировать судно борт о борт

2) у стенки или к стенке (причала, пристани)

to be alongside - стоять на причале

it is difficult to get alongside - трудно пристать

come alongside! - причаливай(те)!

to go alongside - пришвартовываться

3. ком. с доставкой груза к борту судна

to deliver goods alongside - доставить товар к борту судна

2. [ə͵lɒŋʹsaıd,əʹlɒŋsaıd] prep
1. (обыкн. of) около, рядом, у

to walk [to sit] alongside of smb. - идти [сидеть] рядом с кем-л.

he stood alongside of me - он стоял около меня

the car stopped alongside the kerb - машина остановилась у тротуара

2. мор.
1) у борта, вдоль борта; борт о борт; к борту

to come alongside a ship - пристать к борту судна

to moor alongside a ship - пришвартоваться к борту судна

the ships lay alongside each other - суда стояли борт о борт

to pass alongside a ship - плыть вдоль борта какого-л. судна

2) у стенки или к стенке (причала, пристани)

to come alongside the quay - подойти к стенке (пристани)

alongside the quay - вдоль стенки пристани

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "alongside" в других словарях:

  • alongside — is both an adverb (Kevin came quickly alongside) and a preposition (the two vehicles were alongside each other / learning to read begins very early indeed, alongside learning to talk). It has been used as a preposition with or without of for some …   Modern English usage

  • Alongside — A*long side , adv. Along or by the side; side by side with; often with of; as, bring the boat alongside; alongside of him; alongside of the tree. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • alongside — (N. Amer. also alongside of) ► PREPOSITION 1) close to the side of; next to. 2) at the same time as or in coexistence with …   English terms dictionary

  • alongside — [ə lôŋ′sīd′] adv. at or by the side; side by side prep. at the side of; side by side with alongside of at the side of; beside; adjoining …   English World dictionary

  • alongside — index adjacent Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • alongside — (adv.) 1707, from ALONG (Cf. along) + SIDE (Cf. side) (n.). A word formed from a phrase. Originally mostly nautical …   Etymology dictionary

  • alongside — [prep] close, near side of along the side of, apace with, at the side of, beside, by, by the side of, close at hand, close by, equal with, in company with, next to, parallel to, side by side; concept 586 Ant. away …   New thesaurus

  • alongside */*/ — UK [əˈlɒŋˌsaɪd] / US [əˈlɔŋˌsaɪd] adverb, preposition Summary: Alongside can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): A police car drove up alongside us. as an adverb (without a following noun): Peter was riding on a… …   English dictionary

  • alongside — a|long|side [ ə lɔ:ŋ,saıd ] function word ** Alongside can be used in the following ways: as a preposition (followed by a noun): A police car drove up alongside us. as an adverb (without a following noun): Peter was riding on a donkey with his… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • alongside — [[t]əlɒ̱ŋsa͟ɪd, AM lɔ͟ːŋ [/t]] ♦♦♦ 1) PREP If one thing is alongside another thing, the first thing is next to the second. He crossed the street and walked alongside Central Park... Much of the industry was located alongside rivers. ADV: ADV… …   English dictionary

  • alongside of — preposition 1. a. : side by side with : parallel to a car parked alongside of the curb b. : in company with : at the side of the son fought alongside of his father 2 …   Useful english dictionary

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