- egghead
- [ʹeghed] n часто ирон.
мыслящая личность, интеллектуал; эрудит
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Egghead — Daten zum Spiel Autor Robert Abbott Verlag Games Research (1963), Creative Therapeutics, ASS (1974), Spielclub[1] Erscheinungsjahr 1963 Art Kartenspiel … Deutsch Wikipedia
egghead — (n.) 1907, bald person, from EGG (Cf. egg) (n.) + HEAD (Cf. head). Sense of intellectual is attested from 1918, among Chicago newspapermen; popularized by U.S. syndicated columnist Stewart Alsop in 1952 in ref. to Adlai Stevenson s presidential… … Etymology dictionary
egghead — [n] intellectual bluestocking, bookworm*, brain*, geek*, genius, highbrow, know it all*, longhair*, rocket scientist*, scholar, thinker; concepts 350,416 … New thesaurus
egghead — ► NOUN informal ▪ a very academic or studious person … English terms dictionary
egghead — ☆ egghead [eg′hed΄ ] n. Slang an intellectual: usually a term of mild derision as used by anti intellectuals … English World dictionary
Egghead — In the slang of the United States, egghead was an anti intellectual epithet, directed at people considered too out of touch with ordinary people and too lacking in realism, common sense, virility, etc. on account of their intellectual interests.… … Wikipedia
Egghead Jr. — Eggbert Eggbert (Egghead Jr.) est un personnage des dessins animés Warner Bros Looney Tunes et des Merrie Melodies. Il a été créé par Robert McKimson en 1950. Eggbert est un petit poussin qui reste plongé des heures durant, dans des livres… … Wikipédia en Français
Egghead — Ẹgg|head 〈[ hɛd] m. 6〉 = Eierkopf (2) [<engl. egg „Ei“ + head „Kopf“] * * * Egg|head [ ɛghɛd ], der; s, s [engl. egghead, eigtl. = Eierkopf] (bildungsspr., oft scherzh. od. abwertend): Intellektuelle[r], Gelehrte[r]. * * * Egg|head [ ɛghɛd],… … Universal-Lexikon
egghead — UK [ˈeɡˌhed] / US noun [countable] Word forms egghead : singular egghead plural eggheads informal someone who has a lot of knowledge and intelligence and is only interested in academic subjects … English dictionary
Egghead — Egg|head [ ɛghɛd] der; s, s <aus gleichbed. amerik. egghead, eigtl. »Eierkopf«> (oft scherzh. od. abwertend) Intellektueller … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
egghead — [[t]e̱ghed[/t]] eggheads N COUNT (disapproval) If you think someone is more interested in ideas and theories than in practical actions you can say they are an egghead. [INFORMAL] The Government was dominated by self important eggheads. Syn:… … English dictionary