- efflorescent
- [͵eflɔ:ʹres(ə)nt] a
1. расцветающий, цветущий2. процветающий3. спец.1) выцветающий2) выветривающийся (о кристаллах, породах)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
efflorescent — efflorescent, ente [ eflɔresɑ̃, ɑ̃t ] adj. • 1755; lat. sc. efflorescens → efflorescence 1 ♦ Chim. En efflorescence; couvert de sels en efflorescence. ♢ Bot. Couvert de pruine. 2 ♦ En pleine floraison, luxuriant. Fig. Le produit « touffu, hérissé … Encyclopédie Universelle
Efflorescent — Ef flo*res cent, a. [F. efflorescent, L. efflorescens, entis, blooming, p. pr. of efflorescere. See {Effloresce}, v. i.] 1. That effloresces, or is liable to effloresce on exposure; as, an efflorescent salt. [1913 Webster] 2. Covered with an… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
efflorescent — efflorescent, ente (èf flo rè ssan, ssan t ) adj. 1° Terme de botanique. Qui est en voie de floraison. Plantes efflorescentes. 2° Terme de chimie. Qui tombe en efflorescence. Sels efflorescents, sels qui à l air perdent tout ou partie de leur … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
efflorescent — 1818, from L. efflorescentem (nom. efflorescens), prp. of efflorescere (see EFFLORESCE (Cf. effloresce)) … Etymology dictionary
efflorescent — /ef leuh res euhnt/, adj. 1. efflorescing; blossoming. 2. Chem. a. subject to efflorescence. b. covered with or forming an efflorescence. [1810 20; < L efflorescent (s. of efflorescens), prp. of efflorescere to EFFLORESCE; see ENT] * * * … Universalium
efflorescent — effloresce ► VERB 1) (of a substance) lose moisture and turn to a fine powder on exposure to air. 2) (of salts) come to the surface of brickwork or other material and crystallize. 3) reach an optimum stage of development. DERIVATIVES… … English terms dictionary
efflorescent — adjective see efflorescence … New Collegiate Dictionary
EFFLORESCENT — ENTE. adj. T. de Chimie et de Minéralogie. Qui tombe en efflorescence … Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)
efflorescent — adjective a) bursting into flower b) growing at a rapid rate; flourishing … Wiktionary
efflorescent — Denoting a crystalline body that gradually changes to a powder by losing its water of crystallization on exposure to a dry atmosphere. * * * ef·flo·res·cent (ef″lo resґənt) 1. becoming powdery; see efflorescence. 2. developing into a… … Medical dictionary
efflorescent — ef·flo res·cent || ‚eflÉ™ resnt /eflÉ”Ë adj. flowering, blossoming … English contemporary dictionary