- almshouse
1> _ист. дом призрения, богадельня
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Almshouse — bezeichnet mehrere gleichnamige, im NRHP gelistete, Objekte: Almshouse (Cambridge), Massachusetts, ID Nr. 82001908 Almshouse (Stoneham), Massachusetts, ID Nr. 84002464 Diese Seite ist eine Begriffsklärung zur Unterscheidung mehrerer mit demse … Deutsch Wikipedia
Almshouse — Alms house , n. A house appropriated for the use of the poor; a poorhouse. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
almshouse — (n.) mid 15c., from ALMS (Cf. alms) + HOUSE (Cf. house) (n.) … Etymology dictionary
almshouse — ► NOUN ▪ a house founded by charity, offering accommodation for the poor … English terms dictionary
almshouse — [ämz′hous΄] n. 1. Archaic a home for people too poor to support themselves; poorhouse 2. Brit. a privately endowed home for the disabled or aged poor … English World dictionary
Almshouse — Almshouses are charitable housing provided to enable people (typically elderly people who can no longer work to earn enough to pay rent) to live in a particular community. They are often targeted at the poor of a locality, at those from certain… … Wikipedia
almshouse — /ahmz hows /, n., pl. almshouses / how ziz/. Chiefly Brit. 1. a house endowed by private charity for the reception and support of the aged or infirm poor. 2. (formerly) a poorhouse. [1350 1400; ME almes hous. See ALMS, HOUSE] * * * ▪ American… … Universalium
almshouse — A house for the publicly or privately supported paupers of a city or county; may also be termed a mission . In England an almshouse is not synonymous with a workhouse or poorhouse, being supported by private endowment … Black's law dictionary
almshouse — A house for the publicly or privately supported paupers of a city or county; may also be termed a mission . In England an almshouse is not synonymous with a workhouse or poorhouse, being supported by private endowment … Black's law dictionary
Almshouse (Cambridge, Massachusetts) — Infobox nrhp | name =Almshouse nrhp type = caption = location= Cambridge, Massachusetts lat degrees = 42 lat minutes = 24 lat seconds = 7 lat direction = N long degrees = 71 long minutes = 7 long seconds = 58 long direction = W locmapin =… … Wikipedia
Almshouse (Stoneham, Massachusetts) — Infobox nrhp | name =Almshouse nrhp type = caption = location= Stoneham, Massachusetts lat degrees = 42 lat minutes = 29 lat seconds = 30 lat direction = N long degrees = 71 long minutes = 5 long seconds = 17 long direction = W locmapin =… … Wikipedia