- ecotage
- [ʹi:kə(ʋ)tɑ:ʒ] n
нелепые действия ревностных защитников окружающей среды (уничтожение дорожных рекламных щитов и т. п.)[ecological + sabotage]
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Ecotage — is a portmanteau of the eco prefix and sabotage . Ecotage is often used as a descriptive term for the direct actions of environmental groups such as Earth First! and similar groups throughout the Western world.[1] The term is only applied for… … Wikipedia
Ecotage! — was a 1972 paperback book edited by Sam Love and published by Pocket Books.The book was a collection of ideas that had been solicited by the group Environmental Action over the previous year in preparation for the publication of the book, for… … Wikipedia
écôtage — ● écôtage nom masculin Action d écôter les tabacs. écôtage [ekotaʒ] n. m. ÉTYM. 1768; de écôter. ❖ ♦ Techn. Opération par laquelle on écôte. a Écôtage des feuil … Encyclopédie Universelle
ecotage — /ek euh tahzh , ee keuh /, n. sabotage aimed at polluters or destroyers of the natural environment. [1970 75; ECO + (SABO)TAGE] * * * … Universalium
ecotage — noun The commission of usually illegal acts of sabotage motivated by environmentalism. Syn: ecodefence, ecodefense, monkeywrenching … Wiktionary
ecotage — Barbarismo que conjuga las palabras ecología y sabotaje. Se utiliza para designar acciones un tanto violentas o delictivas realizadas bajo perspectivas ecologistas, como la provocada en la piscina privada de un consejero de una gran empresa… … Diccionario ecologico
écôtage — (é kô ta j ) s. m. Technologie. Action d enlever les côtes du tabac. Opération par laquelle le tréfileur enlève au fil de fer les côtes qui y sont restées. ÉTYMOLOGIE Écôter … Dictionnaire de la Langue Française d'Émile Littré
ecotage — ec·o·tage … English syllables
ecotage — ec•o•tage [[t]ˈɛk əˌtɑʒ, ˈi kə [/t]] n. sabotage aimed at polluters or destroyers of the natural environment • Etymology: 1970–75; eco +(sabo)tage … From formal English to slang
ecotage — ˈē(ˌ)kōˌtä|zh, ˈe , tȧ|, sometimes |j or ˌ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ˈ ̷ ̷ noun ( s) Etymology: ec (II) + sabotage : destructive or obstructive action designed to publicize or harass people believed to be harming the environment … Useful english dictionary
Earth Liberation Front — The Earth Liberation Front (ELF), also known as Elves or The Elves ,Best, Steven and Best Nocella. Igniting a Revolution: Voices in Defense of the Earth , Lantern Books, 2006, p.50.] is the collective name for anonymous and individuals or cells… … Wikipedia