Echo (phenomenon) — In audio signal processing and acoustics, an echo (plural echoes) is a reflection of sound, arriving at the listener some time after the direct sound. Typical examples are the echo produced by the bottom of a well, by a building, or by the walls… … Wikipedia
Echo machine — An echo machine is the early name for a sound processing device used with electronic instruments to repeat the sound and produce a simulated echo. The device was popular with guitarists and was used by Jimmy Page and Syd Barrett among others.… … Wikipedia
echo unit — /ˈɛkoʊ junət/ (say ekoh yoohnuht) noun an electronic device which repeats an audio signal after a short and usually programmable interval, thus producing an echo effect …
Echo — Ech o ([e^]k [ o]), n.; pl. {Echoes} ([e^]k [=o]z). [L. echo, Gr. hchw echo, sound, akin to hchh , h^chos, sound, noise; cf. Skr. v[=a][,c] to sound, bellow; perh. akin to E. voice: cf. F. [ e]cho.] 1. A sound reflected from an opposing surface… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Echo organ — Echo Ech o ([e^]k [ o]), n.; pl. {Echoes} ([e^]k [=o]z). [L. echo, Gr. hchw echo, sound, akin to hchh , h^chos, sound, noise; cf. Skr. v[=a][,c] to sound, bellow; perh. akin to E. voice: cf. F. [ e]cho.] 1. A sound reflected from an opposing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Echo stop — Echo Ech o ([e^]k [ o]), n.; pl. {Echoes} ([e^]k [=o]z). [L. echo, Gr. hchw echo, sound, akin to hchh , h^chos, sound, noise; cf. Skr. v[=a][,c] to sound, bellow; perh. akin to E. voice: cf. F. [ e]cho.] 1. A sound reflected from an opposing… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Echo Round His Bones — is a science fiction novel written by Thomas M. Disch. It was originally serialized in New Worlds magazine in December 1966 and January 1967. [cite web last = first = authorlink = coauthors = title = New Worlds Science Fiction: Fiction Index work … Wikipedia
echo — [ek′ō] n. pl. echoes [ME ecco < L echo < Gr ēchō < IE base * (s)waĝh , var. of * wag , to cry out > L vagire, OE swogan, to sound, roar] 1. a) the repetition of a sound by reflection of sound waves from a surface b) a sound so… … English World dictionary
Echo chamber — For metaphorical echo chambers in media, see Echo chamber (media). Echo chamber of the Dresden University of Technology … Wikipedia
Echo chamber (media) — The echo chamber effect refers to any situation in which information, ideas or beliefs are amplified or reinforced by transmission inside an enclosed space.[citation needed] Contents 1 How it works 1.1 Spreading false information … Wikipedia
Echo cancellation — The term echo cancellation is used in telephony to describe the process of removing echo from a voice communication in order to improve voice quality on a telephone call. In addition to improving subjective quality, this process increases the… … Wikipedia