- echinoderms
- [ıʹkaınə(ʋ)dɜ:mz] n pl зоол.
иглокожие (Ehinodermata)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
echinoderms — The group of animals that includes seastars and sea urchins … Fisheries — dictionary
echinoderms — n.; n. pl. [Gr. echinos, spiny; derma, skin] Phylum of marine coelomate animals with basic pentaradiate symmetry in the adult, with a calcareous endoskeleton and a water vascular system … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
echinoderms — e·chi·no·derm || e kaɪnÉ™dÉœËm n. sea animal which has no backbone, marine invertebrate animal … English contemporary dictionary
List of prehistoric echinoderms — This list of prehistoric echinoderms is an attempt to create a comprehensive listing of all genera that have ever been included in the Echinoderms that have been preserved as fossils. This list excludes purely vernacular terms. It includes all… … Wikipedia
List of echinoderms of the Houtman Abrolhos — The marine waters of the Houtman Abrolhos, an island chain off the coast of Western Australia, has been recorded as containing 172 species of echinoderm in ?? genera. This extremely high diversity has been attributed to a combination of factors,… … Wikipedia
echinoderm — /i kuy neuh derrm , ek euh neuh /, n. any marine animal of the invertebrate phylum Echinodermata, having a radiating arrangement of parts and a body wall stiffened by calcareous pieces that may protrude as spines and including the starfishes, sea … Universalium
Echinoderm — Temporal range: Cambrian–recent … Wikipedia
Starfish — For other uses, see Starfish (disambiguation). Asteroidea redirects here. For the Asteraceae subfamily, see Asteroideae. Sea Stars Temporal range: Ordovician–Recent … Wikipedia
Sea cucumber — For the food product made from sea cucumber, see Sea cucumber (food). Sea cucumber A sea cucumber from the Mediterranean Sea Scientific classification … Wikipedia
Crinoid — Crinoids Temporal range: Ordovician Recent … Wikipedia
Chordate — Chordata Temporal range: Early Cambrian – Recent, 540–0 Ma … Wikipedia