
1. [ɜ:lʹmaıtı] a
1. всемогущий; всесильный

(the) Almighty God, God Almighty - всемогущий Бог

the almighty dollar - а) всемогущий доллар; б) разг. деньги

the almighty power - всесильная власть

2. эмоц.-усил. ужасный, жуткий

almighty nonsense - ужасный вздор

he's in an almighty fix - он оказался в жутком положении; у него сейчас огромные неприятности

2. [ɔ:lʹmaıtı] adv
ужасно, чрезвычайно: чертовски, дьявольски

it gets almighty cold - становится чертовски холодно

he is almighty proud [rich, clever] - он чертовски горд [богат, умён]

he was almighty hungry - он был зверски голоден

an almighty fine girl - потрясающая девочка

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "almighty" в других словарях:

  • Almighty — is an Abrahamic term for God. See OmnipotentAlmighty may also refer to: *The Almighty (band), a Scottish rock band *The Almighty (Oh My Goddess!), a character in the anime/manga series Oh My Goddess! *The Almighty (CAS), term given by the United… …   Wikipedia

  • Almighty — Al*might y ([add]l*m[imac]t [y^]), a. [AS. ealmihtig, [ae]lmihtig; eal (OE. al) all + mihtig mighty.] 1. Unlimited in might; omnipotent; all powerful; irresistible. [1913 Webster] I am the Almighty God. Gen. xvii. 1. [1913 Webster] 2. Great;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • almighty — [ôl mīt′ē] adj. [ME almihtig < OE ealmihtig < eal, ALL + mihtig, MIGHTY] 1. having unlimited power; all powerful 2. Informal great; extreme [an almighty nuisance] adv. Slang extremely extremely …   English World dictionary

  • almighty — [adj1] having complete power, control absolute, all powerful, invincible, mighty, omnipotent, puissant, supreme, unlimited; concept 540 Ant. insignificant, powerless, weak almighty [adj2] godlike all knowing, all seeing, boundless, celestial,… …   New thesaurus

  • almighty — (adj.) O.E. ælmihtig all powerful, also a by name of God; compound of æl (see ALL (Cf. all)) + mihtig (see MIGHTY (Cf. mighty)); common Germanic (Cf. O.S. alomahtig, O.H.G. alamahtic, Ger. allmächtig, O.N. almattigr), perhaps an early Germanic… …   Etymology dictionary

  • almighty — ► ADJECTIVE 1) omnipotent. 2) informal enormous. ► NOUN (the Almighty) ▪ a name or title for God …   English terms dictionary

  • almighty — index omnipotent, predominant Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Almighty — The Almighty Gründung 1987 Genre Hard Rock Website Aktuelle Besetzung Gesang, Gitarre Ricky Warwick (1987–1996, 2000–2001, seit 2006) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • almighty — [[t]ɔ͟ːlma͟ɪti[/t]] 1) N PROPER The Almighty is another name for God. You can also refer to Almighty God. Adam sought guidance from the Almighty... Let us now confess our sins to Almighty God. 2) EXCLAM (feelings) People sometimes say God… …   English dictionary

  • almighty — al|might|y [o:lˈmaıti US o:l ] adj [: Old English; Origin: ealmihtig, from eall completely + mihtig powerful ] 1.) the Almighty/Almighty God/Almighty Father expressions used to talk about God that emphasize His power 2.) God/Christ Almighty an… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • almighty — adjective 1 Almighty God/Father an expression used to talk about God when you want to emphasize his power 2 the Almighty God 3 God/Christ Almighty an expression used when you are angry or upset that some people consider offensive: God Almighty,… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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