- east indiaman
- [͵i:stʹındıəmən] ист.
1) корабль Ост-Индской компании2) торговое судно, совершающее рейсы в Ост-Индию
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
East Indiaman — An East Indiaman was a ship operating under charter or licence to the Honourable East India Company. The company itself did not generally own merchant ships, but held a monopoly granted to it by Queen Elizabeth I of England for all English trade… … Wikipedia
East-Indiaman — East Indˈiaman noun (historical) A ship used in the East Indian trade • • • Main Entry: ↑east … Useful english dictionary
east indiaman — noun Usage: usually capitalized E&I Etymology: East India + English man : a sailing ship formerly running to the East Indies; especially : a large fast sailing ship used on this run … Useful english dictionary
East Indiaman — noun Date: 1709 a large sailing ship formerly used for trading runs to the East Indies … New Collegiate Dictionary
East Indiaman — noun historical a trading ship belonging to the East India Company (a British trading company active in SE Asia and India) … English new terms dictionary
East Indiaman — /ist ˈɪndiəmən/ (say eest indeeuhmuhn) noun a large armed sailing vessel of the East India Company …
East Indiaman — ▪ sailing craft large sailing vessel of the type built from the 16th to the 19th century for the trade between Europe and southern Asia. The first were Portuguese and Dutch; English Indiamen appeared late in the 16th century and eventually… … Universalium
Doddington (East Indiaman) — Career (Great Britain) … Wikipedia
Kent East Indiaman — The Kent East Indiaman was a British ship.A report of the time states...THE SHIP ON FIRE, ON the 1st of March 1825, the Kent East Indiaman took fire in the Bay of Biscay, She had sailed from the Downs about the middle of February, being bound to… … Wikipedia
Alexander (East Indiaman) — The East Indiaman merchant ship Alexander was shipwrecked while on passage from Bombay to London two miles from the Isle of Portland on the Dorset coast in the English Channel. Only five of the ship s 140 (or 150) crew survived the disaster.The… … Wikipedia
Earl of Abergavenny (East Indiaman) — The Earl of Abergavenny was an East Indiaman which was wrecked in Weymouth Bay, England in 1805. She was one of the largest built and was captained by William Wordsworth s brother John. This 1440 ton vessel was built in Northfleet, Kent in 1797… … Wikipedia