- earthworm
- [ʹɜ:θwɜ:m] n
1) зоол. червь дождевой или земляной (Lumbricus terrestris)2) подхалим
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
earthworm — (n.) 1590s, from EARTH (Cf. earth) + WORM (Cf. worm) (n.). In this sense Old English had eorðmata. Old English also had angel twæcce earthworm used as bait, with second element from root of twitch, sometimes used in medieval times as a medicament … Etymology dictionary
Earthworm — Earth worm , n. 1. (Zo[ o]l.) Any worm of the genus {Lumbricus} and allied genera, found in damp soil. One of the largest and most abundant species in Europe and America is {L. terrestris}; many others are known; called also {angleworm} and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
earthworm — ► NOUN ▪ a burrowing segmented worm that lives in the soil … English terms dictionary
earthworm — [ʉrth′wʉrm΄] n. any of a number of oligochaetous worms that burrow in the soil, esp. any of a genus (Lumbricus) very important in aerating and fertilizing the soil … English World dictionary
Earthworm — Taxobox name = Earthworm image width = 250px image2 width = 250px image2 caption = Lumbricus terrestris, the Common European Earthworm regnum = Animalia phylum = Annelida classis = Oligochaeta ordo = Haplotaxida subordo = Lumbricina subdivision… … Wikipedia
earthworm — /errth werrm /, n. 1. any one of numerous annelid worms that burrow in soil and feed on soil nutrients and decaying organic matter. 2. Archaic. a mean or groveling person. [1400 50; late ME ertheworm. See EARTH, WORM] Regional Variation. The… … Universalium
earthworm — UK [ˈɜː(r)θˌwɜː(r)m] / US [ˈɜrθˌwɜrm] noun [countable] Word forms earthworm : singular earthworm plural earthworms a type of worm that lives in soil … English dictionary
earthworm — [[t]ɜ͟ː(r)θwɜː(r)m[/t]] earthworms N COUNT An earthworm is a kind of worm which lives in the ground … English dictionary
Earthworm Jim (series) — Earthworm Jim is a series of side scrolling platforming video games.Citation|year=February 2006| title=David Perry: The Emerald Isle’s ‘Shiny,’ Happy Game Developer |periodical=Inner Visions|volume=8|issue=10|pages=131 132] First released in 1994 … Wikipedia
Earthworm Jim 2 — Европейская обложка версии для Sega Mega Drive Разработчик Shiny Entert … Википедия
Earthworm Jim — Éditeur Virgin Interactive Développeur Shiny Entertainment Concepteur … Wikipédia en Français