Смотреть что такое "earthshine" в других словарях:
earthshine — [ʉrth′shīn΄] n. the faint illumination of the dark part of the moon by sunlight reflected from the earth … English World dictionary
earthshine — /errth shuyn /, n. Astron. the faint illumination of the part of the moon not illuminated by sunlight, as during a crescent phase, caused by the reflection of light from the earth. Also called earthlight. [1825 35; EARTH + SHINE] * * * Sunlight… … Universalium
earthshine — noun Date: 1834 sunlight reflected by the earth that illuminates the dark part of the moon called also earthlight … New Collegiate Dictionary
earthshine — noun Reflected earthlight visible on the Moons night side. See Also: moonshine … Wiktionary
earthshine — n. sunlight reflected from the earth to the dark part of the moon, earthlight … English contemporary dictionary
earthshine — noun Astronomy the glow caused by sunlight reflected by the earth, especially on the darker portion of a crescent moon … English new terms dictionary
earthshine — earth•shine [[t]ˈɜrθˌʃaɪn[/t]] n. astron. the faint illumination of the part of the moon not illuminated by sunlight, as during a crescent phase, caused by the reflection of light from the earth • Etymology: 1825–35 … From formal English to slang
earthshine — /ˈɜθʃaɪn/ (say erthshuyn) noun the faint light on the part of the moon not illuminated by the sun, due to the light which the earth reflects on the moon. Also, earthlight …
earthshine — n. Astron. 1 the unilluminated portion of a crescent moon shining faintly because of sunlight reflected from the earth on to the moon. 2 illumination on the moon s surface caused by this … Useful english dictionary
Aschgraues Mondlicht — Herkunftsweg des Erdscheins Aschgraues Mondlicht; die von der Erde beleuchtete Nachtseite d … Deutsch Wikipedia
Erdlicht — Herkunftsweg des Erdscheins Aschgraues Mondlicht; die von der Erde beleuchtete Nachtseite d … Deutsch Wikipedia