- dyke
- 1. [daık] = dike I и II 2. [daık] = dike I и II
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
dyke — [ dik; dajk ] n. m. • 1759; dike 1768; mot angl. « digue » ♦ Géol. Roche éruptive qui fait saillie à la surface du sol et qui affecte la forme d une épaisse muraille ou d une colonne. ⇒ neck. ● dyke nom masculin (anglais dyke, digue) Filon de… … Encyclopédie Universelle
dyke — s.n. (geol.) Filon de lavă injectată şi consolidată în crăpătura unui con vulcanic, care, prin eroziunea terenurilor, rămâne în relief ca un zid. ♦ Dig mic. [pron. daic. / < engl. dyke]. Trimis de LauraGellner, 25.02.2005. Sursa: DN DYKE… … Dicționar Român
dyke — Ⅰ. dyke [1] (also dike) ► NOUN 1) an embankment built to prevent flooding from the sea. 2) an earthwork serving as a boundary or defence: Offa s Dyke. 3) a ditch or watercourse. 4) Geology an intrusion of igneous rock cutting across existing… … English terms dictionary
Dyke — Dyke, n. See {Dike}. The spelling dyke is restricted by some to the geological meaning. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dyke — dyke; van·dyke; dyke·reeve; … English syllables
dyke — dyke, dike In the meaning ‘embankment’, dyke is the preferred form. This is also true of the different (slang) word dyke, meaning ‘a lesbian’ … Modern English usage
dyke — (n.) 1931, American English, perhaps a shortening of morphadike, dialectal garbling of HERMAPHRODITE (Cf. hermaphrodite); but bulldyker engage in lesbian activities is attested from 1921, and a source from 1896 lists dyke as slang for the vulva.… … Etymology dictionary
Dyke — (spr. daik), Sir William Hart , Baronet, engl. Staatsmann, geb. 1837, studierte in Oxford und wurde 1865 ins Unterhaus gewählt, wo er der konservativen Partei beitrat. Er war von 1874–80 Sekretär im Schatzamt unter Lord Beaconsfield und fungierte … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Dyke — [daɪk, englisch] der, (s)/ s, Dike [daɪk], Geologie: Gang … Universal-Lexikon
dyke — dike [daık] n [Sense: 1, 3; Origin: Old English dic ditch, dike ] [Sense: 2; Date: 1900 2000; Origin: Probably from morphadyke male and female person, homosexual (1900 2000), from hermaphrodite] 1.) a wall or bank built to keep back water and… … Dictionary of contemporary English
dyke — [ daık ] noun count 1. ) OFFENSIVE an offensive word for a LESBIAN (=woman who is gay) 2. ) another spelling of dike … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English