- allright
1> _разг. честный, порядочный, надежный
an all-right guy порядочный человек; честный малый
2> _разг. превосходный, отличный
an all-right party веселая вечеринка
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Allright — war eine Marke, unter der verschiedene Unternehmen, vornehmlich aus Köln, zwischen 1890 und 1965 Fahrräder, Motorräder und Automobile sowie Zubehör produzierten. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Unternehmensgeschichten 1.1 Gründungsjahre und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
allright — see ALRIGHT (Cf. alright) … Etymology dictionary
Allright — The Allright (known in Germany as the Allreit and outside of Germany as the Vindec) was a German automobile manufactured from 1908 to 1913 at the Cologne Lilianthal factory that produced Allright, Tiger, Roland, and Vindec Special bicycles and… … Wikipedia
Allright — This curious surname is of Anglo Saxon origin, and derives from the Olde English pre 7th Century male given name Aethelric , a compound of the elements aethel , noble, and ric , rule(r). Unlike many Anglo Saxon personal names, Aethelric survived… … Surnames reference
allright — all right adj. 1. a. In proper or satisfactory operational or working order: checked to see if the tires were all right. b. Acceptable; agreeable: Delaying the repair is all right by me. c. all right (ôlʹrītʹ) Informal. Satisfactory; good: an all … Universalium
allright — Inglish (Indian English) Dictionary okay … English dialects glossary
allright — • / awright • a greeting literally meaning is everything all fine? . Usually used in the form awright mate! … Londonisms dictionary
allright — adj (oböj. rätt, som sig bör, bra … Clue 9 Svensk Ordbok
Doin' Allright — Studio album by Dexter Gordon Released 1961 Recorded May 6, 1961 … Wikipedia
Georg Sorge — (* 11. August 1868 in Salzgitter; † 20. Januar 1954 in Berlin) war ein deutscher Radrennfahrer und Fahrradhersteller. Inhaltsverzeichnis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Feelin' Alright — Dave Mason version= Feelin Allright is a song by Dave Mason of the English rock band Traffic from their eponymous album, Traffic, popularized by Joe Cocker. It was also covered by Grand Funk Railroad, Lulu, Rare Earth and The Black Crowes.Jackson … Wikipedia