- dumper
- [ʹdʌmpə] n
1. см. dump1 II + -er2. тех. опрокидыватель; опрокидывающаяся вагонетка3. (автомобиль-)самосвал, автосамосвал
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
dumper — [ dɶmpɶr ] n. m. • 1920; mot angl., de to dump « décharger » ♦ Anglic. Engin de terrassement, comprenant une benne automotrice basculante. Recomm. offic. tombereau. ● dumper nom masculin (américain dumper, de to dump, décharger) Véhicule… … Encyclopédie Universelle
dumper — DÚMPER, dumpere, s.n. Basculantă la care scaunul se roteşte permiţând conducerea înainte şi înapoi. – Din fr. dumper. Trimis de viomih, 07.05.2004. Sursa: DEX 98 dúmper s. n., pl. dúmpere Trimis de siveco, 10.08.2004. Sursa: Dicţionar… … Dicționar Român
dumper — n. same as {dump truck}. Syn: dump truck. [WordNet 1.5] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dumper — ► NOUN 1) a person or thing that dumps something. 2) (also dumper truck) Brit. a truck with a body that tilts or opens at the back for unloading … English terms dictionary
dumper — [dum′pər] n. Slang a container into which refuse is dumped * * * See dump. * * * … Universalium
dumper — /ˈdamper, ingl. ˈdʌmpə(r)/ [vc. ingl., da to dump «scaricare»] s. m. inv. camion con cassone ribaltabile … Sinonimi e Contrari. Terza edizione
dumper — [dum′pər] n. Slang a container into which refuse is dumped … English World dictionary
Dumper — This article is about a smaller type of off road vehicle. For articulated dump trucks, see articulated hauler. For and for other usage, see dumper (disambiguation). Dumper in action A dumper is a vehicle designed for carrying bulk material, often … Wikipedia
Dumper — Tombereau Tombereau en bois Le tombereau est le nom donné au véhicule hippomobile, généralement agricole, destiné à transporter un matériau en vrac : terre, paille, fumier, gravats. Sa particularité est que la caisse peut basculer vers l… … Wikipédia en Français
Dumper — This rare and intriguing name is of Anglo Saxon origin, and is one of the earliest recorded locational surnames. It derives from the place in Hampshire called Dummer, which is recorded in the Domesday Book of 1086 as Dummere , and in the… … Surnames reference
dumper — noun 1》 a person or thing that dumps something. 2》 (also dumper truck) Brit. a truck with a body that tilts or opens at the back for unloading. 3》 N. Amer. a large metal container for rubbish. 4》 (the dumper) informal a state of being unwanted … English new terms dictionary