
1. [dju:] n
1. тк. sing должное; то что причитается

to give smb. his due - воздавать кому-л. по заслугам, отдавать кому-л. должное

to give the devil his due - отдавать должное противнику

to get one's due - получить по заслугам

that is his due - это положено ему по праву, это его право

2. pl
1) сборы, налоги, пошлины

harbour /port/ dues - портовые сборы

dues and fees - эк. сборы (в отличие от налогов)

2) взносы (партийные или профсоюзные)

to pay one's dues - заплатить взносы

dues shop - цех или предприятие, где работают члены профсоюза

for a full due - на века, прочно, на совесть

2. [dju:] a
1. должный, соответствующий, надлежащий

due process of law - законный порядок

in due course - своим чередом, в своё /в надлежащее/ время

in due time - в своё время

in due form - по всем правилам, по форме, в должной форме

with due regard - с должным вниманием

with due respect - со всем уважением

after /upon/ due consideration - после внимательного рассмотрения

within due limits - в разумных пределах

to give smb. due warning - официально предупредить кого-л.

to take due measures - принять надлежащие меры

he was received with due ceremony - он был принят по всей форме /≅ с полным соблюдением протокола/

2. обыкн. predic
1) должный, обязанный

he is due at his office on Monday - он должен явиться в контору в понедельник

he is due to speak - он должен выступить

it is due to you to explain things - мы ждём от вас объяснений

2) ожидаемый

the mail is due tomorrow - почта придёт завтра

the train is due at 8 o'clock - поезд прибывает в 8 часов

he was due to start tomorrow - он должен был выезжать /выехать/ завтра

I'm due for a rise - меня ждёт повышение; пришло время повысить мне зарплату

3. подлежащий выплате

due date - срок выплаты долга

due bill - счёт к оплате

the bill falls due - вексель подлежит оплате

4. заслуженный, полагающийся, причитающийся

due penalty [respect] - заслуженное наказание [уважение]

the reward due to his services - вознаграждение, причитающееся за его услуги

the first place is due to John - первого места заслуживает Джон, первое место должно быть присуждено Джону

3. [dju:] adv
1. точно, прямо

to go due east - идти прямо на восток

2. ист. надлежащим образом

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Смотреть что такое "due" в других словарях:

  • due — due …   Dictionnaire des rimes

  • due — adj [Old French deu, past participle of devoir to owe, from Latin debere] 1 a: satisfying or capable of satisfying an obligation, duty, or requirement under the law the buyer s due performance under the contract due proof of loss b: proper under… …   Law dictionary

  • due to — 1. The use of due to is one of the key topics of discussion in debates about correct usage, along with infer/imply and the split infinitive. As an adjective meaning ‘owing, payable, attributable, (of an event etc.) intended to happen or arrive’… …   Modern English usage

  • due — [djuː ǁ duː] adjective 1. [not before a noun] if an amount of money is due, it must be paid now or at the stated time: • Breakwater said it was unable to meet an interest payment due yesterday. see also past due 2. [only before a noun] LAW prop …   Financial and business terms

  • due — adj Due, rightful, condign are comparable when they mean being in accordance with what is just and appro priate. Due, which basically means owed or owing as a debt, carries over in the sense here considered a strong implication that the thing so… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • due — [do͞o, dyo͞o] adj. [ME < OFr deu, pp. of devoir, to owe < L debere, to owe: see DEBT] 1. owed or owing as a debt, right, etc.; payable [the first payment is due] 2. suitable; fitting; proper [with all due respect] 3. as much as is required; …   English World dictionary

  • due — ► ADJECTIVE 1) owing or payable. 2) expected at or planned for a certain time. 3) (often due to) merited; fitting. 4) at a point where something is owed or merited: he was due for a rise. 5) proper; appropriate: due process of law. ► NOU …   English terms dictionary

  • due — {{hw}}{{due}}{{/hw}}[2 nella numerazione araba, II in quella romana] A agg. num. card. 1 Indica una quantità composta di un unità più uno: l uomo ha due braccia e due gambe. 2 (est.) Pochi (con valore indeterm. per indicare una piccola quantità) …   Enciclopedia di italiano

  • Due — Due, a. [OF. deu, F. d[^u], p. p. of devoir to owe, fr. L. debere. See {Debt}, {Habit}, and cf. {Duty}.] 1. Owed, as a debt; that ought to be paid or done to or for another; payable; owing and demandable. [1913 Webster] 2. Justly claimed as a… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • due — due; due·ness; en·due; en·due·ment; sub·due; un·due; ven·due; fon·due; res·i·due; …   English syllables

  • due to — [ du tu ] preposition *** because of something: The company s financial losses were due to poor management. He almost died due to lack of oxygen. largely due to: The negative image of immigrants is largely due to ignorance. partly due to/due in… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

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