- allotriophagy
- [͵ælətraıʹɒfədʒı] n
извращённый аппетит, патологическое влечение к поеданию несъедобных вещей
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Allotriophagy — Al lo*tri*oph a*gy ([a^]l l[ o]*tr[i^]*[o^]f [.a]*j[y^]), n. [Gr. allo trios strange + fagei^n to eat: cf. F. allotriophagie.] (Med.) A depraved appetite; a desire for improper food. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
allotriophagy — noun Having food cravings that are different from the expected or the norm Syn: pica … Wiktionary
allotriophagy — craving for strange foods Feeding and Eating … Phrontistery dictionary
allotriophagy — al·lot·ri·oph·a·gy … English syllables
allotriophagy — … Useful english dictionary
-phagy — a combining form meaning eating, devouring that specified by the initial element, esp. as a practice or habit: allotriophagy; anthropophagy. Also, phagia. [ < Gk phagia; see PHAGE, Y3] * * * … Universalium
pica — noun /ˈpaɪkə/ a) A vitiated appetite that craves what is unfit for food, as chalk, ashes, coal, etc.; chthonophagia. The three most common nonfood picas were eating of strings and rags; feces, vomit, and urine; and paper, cigarettes, and soil. b) … Wiktionary
Feeding and Eating — Like many people, I enjoy eating perhaps too much so. This list of 113 words describes different things one could eat, although a human would have to be pretty desperate to eat lice or limestone. Then again, I ve eaten at McDonald s hundreds of… … Phrontistery dictionary
-phagy — comb. form the eating of (specified food) (ichthyophagy). Etymology: Gk phagia (as PHAGOUS) * * * fəjē, ji noun combining form ( es) Etymology: Greek phagia, from phagein to eat + ia y more at baksheesh : eating of a ( … Useful english dictionary
allotriophagia — noun see allotriophagy … Useful english dictionary