Смотреть что такое "dribblet" в других словарях:
Dribblet — Drib blet, Driblet Drib let, n. [From {Dribble}.] A small piece or part; a small sum; a small quantity of money in making up a sum; as, the money was paid in dribblets. [1913 Webster] When made up in dribblets, as they could, their best… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dribblet — drib·blet || drɪblɪt n. drop; small amount; leak … English contemporary dictionary
dribblet — obsolete variant of driblet … Useful english dictionary
Driblet — Dribblet Drib blet, Driblet Drib let, n. [From {Dribble}.] A small piece or part; a small sum; a small quantity of money in making up a sum; as, the money was paid in dribblets. [1913 Webster] When made up in dribblets, as they could, their best… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
driblet — /drib lit/, n. 1. a small portion or part. 2. a small or petty sum. Also, dribblet. [1590 1600; obs. drib (v.) (see DRIBBLE) + LET] * * * … Universalium
driblet — /ˈdrɪblət/ (say dribluht) noun 1. a small portion or part. 2. a small or petty sum. Also, dribblet. {dribble + et} …