
[əʹbrıdʒ] v
1. сокращать

to abridge books - сокращать книги; делать в книгах купюры

this physics course is abridged - это сокращённый курс физики

2. уменьшать, убавлять; ограничивать; урезывать (права, привилегии и т. п.)

to abridge a visit - сократить пребывание

to abridge smb.'s freedom - ограничивать чью-л. свободу

modern transportation abridges distance - современные виды транспорта сокращают расстояния

3. арх. (of, from, in) лишать (чего-л.)

to abridge smb. of power - лишать кого-л. власти

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "abridge" в других словарях:

  • abridge — /ə brij/ vt abridged, abridg·ing: to diminish or reduce in scope no State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges and immunities of the citizens of the United States U.S. Constitution amend. XIV abridg·ment or… …   Law dictionary

  • Abridge — A*bridge , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Abridged}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Abridging}.] [OE. abregen, OF. abregier, F. abr[ e]ger, fr. L. abbreviare; ad + brevis short. See {Brief} and cf. {Abbreviate}.] 1. To make shorter; to shorten in duration; to lessen; to …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • abridge — (v.) c.1300, abreggen, to make shorter, to condense, from O.Fr. abregier abridge, diminish, shorten, from L.L. abbreviare make short (see ABBREVIATE (Cf. abbreviate)). The sound development from L. vi to Fr. dg is paralleled in assuage (from… …   Etymology dictionary

  • abridge — abridge; abridge·ment; …   English syllables

  • abridge — *shorten, curtail, abbreviate, retrench Analogous words: condense, *contract, compress, shrink: *cut, slash: *limit, restrict: reduce, diminish, *decrease Antonyms: expand: extend Contrasted words: amplify, swell, distend (see …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • abridge — [v] shorten abbreviate, abstract, blue pencil*, chop, clip, compress, concentrate, condense, contract, curtail, cut, decrease, digest, diminish, downsize, lessen, limit, narrow, put in nutshell*, reduce, restrict, slash, snip*, summarize, trim,… …   New thesaurus

  • abridge — ► VERB ▪ shorten (a text or film). DERIVATIVES abridgement (also abridgment) noun abridger noun. ORIGIN Old French abregier, from Latin abbreviare abbreviate …   English terms dictionary

  • abridge — [ə brij′] vt. abridged, abridging [ME abregen < OFr abregier < LL abbreviare, ABBREVIATE] 1. to reduce in scope, extent, etc.; shorten 2. to shorten (a piece of writing) while preserving its substance; condense 3. to lessen or curtail… …   English World dictionary

  • Abridge — infobox UK place country = England official name= Abridge civil parish= Lambourne latitude= 51.6523longitude= 0.1191population=1,500 (2001 Census) civil parish= Lambourne shire district= Epping Forest shire county = Essex region= East of… …   Wikipedia

  • abridge — abridgable, abridgeable, adj. abridger, n. /euh brij /, v.t., abridged, abridging. 1. to shorten by omissions while retaining the basic contents: to abridge a reference book. 2. to reduce or lessen in duration, scope, authority, etc.; diminish;… …   Universalium

  • abridge — UK [əˈbrɪdʒ] / US verb [transitive] Word forms abridge : present tense I/you/we/they abridge he/she/it abridges present participle abridging past tense abridged past participle abridged to produce a shorter form of a book, play etc by making cuts …   English dictionary

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