
1. [ʹdreıp(ə)rı] n
1. 1) драпировка
2) pl шторы
2. ткани, мануфактура
3. 1) торговля мануфактурными товарами
2) магазин тканей (тж. drapery establishment, drapery stores)
4. одежды, убор; убранство

nature stripped of its summer drapery - природа, сбросившая свой летний наряд

2. [ʹdreıp(ə)rı] v
драпировать, украшать (тканями)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "drapery" в других словарях:

  • Drapery — Drapery. Drapery is a general word referring to cloths or textiles (Old French draperie, from Late Latin drappus[1]). It may refer to cloth used for decorative purposes – such as around windows – or …   Wikipedia

  • Drapery — Dra per*y, n.; pl. {Draperies}. [F. draperie.] 1. The occupation of a draper; cloth making, or dealing in cloth. Bacon. [1913 Webster] 2. Cloth, or woolen stuffs in general. [1913 Webster] People who ought to be weighing out grocery or measuring… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • drapery — (n.) early 14c., cloth, textiles, from O.Fr. draperie (12c.) weaving, cloth making, clothes shop, from drap (see DRAPE (Cf. drape) (n.)). From late 14c. as place where cloth is made; cloth market. Meaning stuff with which something is draped is… …   Etymology dictionary

  • drapery — ► NOUN (pl. draperies) ▪ cloth, curtains, or clothing hanging in loose folds. ORIGIN Old French draperie, from drap cloth …   English terms dictionary

  • drapery — [drā′pər ē] n. pl. draperies [ME & OFr draperie: see DRAPE & ERY] 1. Brit. DRY GOODS 2. Brit. the business of a draper 3. a) hangings, covering, or clothing arranged in loose folds …   English World dictionary

  • drapery — draperied, adj. /dray peuh ree/, n., pl. draperies. 1. coverings, hangings, clothing, etc., of fabric, esp. as arranged in loose, graceful folds. 2. Often, draperies. long curtains, usually of heavy fabric and often designed to open and close… …   Universalium

  • drapery — [[t]dre͟ɪpəri[/t]] draperies 1) N UNCOUNT: also N in pl You can refer to cloth, curtains, or clothing hanging in folds as drapery or draperies. In the dining room the draperies create an atmosphere of elegance and luxury. 2) N UNCOUNT: oft N n… …   English dictionary

  • drapery — drap|er|y [ˈdreıpəri] n 1.) [U] cloth arranged in folds ▪ a table covered with drapery 2.) draperies [plural] AmE long heavy curtains 3.) [U] BrE cloth and other goods sold by a draper ▪ a drapery business …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • drapery —    Cloth or a representation of cloth arranged to hang in folds. This may be a curtain or a costume, or fabric used as a cover or as an object arranged as a passage in a composition. Just as the study of various means to representing the human… …   Glossary of Art Terms

  • drapery — UK [ˈdreɪpərɪ] / US [ˈdreɪp(ə)rɪ] noun Word forms drapery : singular drapery plural draperies 1) [countable/uncountable] cloth that hangs somewhere as a decoration 2) a) [uncountable] cloth, and things made from cloth b) [countable/uncountable] a …   English dictionary

  • drapery — noun 1 (C, U) cloth arranged in folds: a casket covered with embroidered silk drapery 2 (U) BrE cloth and other goods sold by a draper; dry goods (2) AmE 3 (U) BrE the trade of selling cloth, curtains, etc …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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