- dragons head
dragon's head
1> _астр. восходящий узел лунной орбиты
2> _бот. змееголовник (Dracocephalum)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Dragons of Spring Dawning — … Wikipedia
Dragons of the Dwarven Depths — … Wikipedia
Dragons' Den — is a series of reality television programmes featuring entrepreneurs pitching their business ideas in order to secure investment finance from a panel of venture capitalists. The show originated in Japan as Manē no Tora (Tiger of Money, a pun on… … Wikipedia
Dragons Rhöndorf — bei einem Spiel gegen S.Oliver Baskets (Würzburg) Gründungsjahr 1912 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dragons of Flame (module) — Dragons of Flame Code DL2 Rules required AD D (1st Edition) Character levels 5 7 Campaign setting … Wikipedia
Dragons' Den (Canada) — Dragons Den Genre Reality show Presented by Dianne Buckner Starring … Wikipedia
Dragons of Ice — Code DL6 Rules required AD D (1st Edition) Character levels 6 9 Campaign setting Dragonlance Authors … Wikipedia
Dragons de Rouen — Full name Rouen Hockey Élite 76 Rouen Hockey Élite (1996 07) Rouen Hockey Club (1982 96) Nickname(s) Dragons Founded 1982 Based In … Wikipedia
Dragons Rhöndorf — Dragons Rhoendorf Founded 1912 League Pro B Team history Rhoendorfer TV 1912 (1912 1996) TV Tatami Rhoendorf (1997 1999) SER Rhoendorf (1999 2002) 2BA Dragons Rhoendorf (2002 2004) SOBA Dragons Rhoendorf (2004 Present) … Wikipedia
Dragons (Dragon Prince) — The Dragons of Dragon Prince are mythical beasts that inhabit the fictional world of Melanie Rawn s Dragon Prince and Dragon Star trilogies. Dragons make their home in The Desert, which is Prince Rohan s princedom. For generations dragons have… … Wikipedia
Dragons in Greek mythology — Topics in Greek mythology Gods Primordial gods and Titans Zeus and the Olympians Pan and the nymphs Apollo and Dionysus Sea gods and Earth gods Heroes Heracles and his Labors Achilles and the Trojan War … Wikipedia