- drachmae
- [ʹdrækmi:] pl от drachma
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Drachmae — Drachma Drach ma, n.; pl. E. {Drachmas}, L. {Drachm[ae]}. [L., fr. Gr. ?. See {Dram}.] 1. A silver coin among the ancient Greeks, having a different value in different States and at different periods. The average value of the Attic drachma is… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
drachmae — drach·ma || drækmÉ™ n. unit of currency in Greece; silver coin of ancient Greece; any of several modern units of weight … English contemporary dictionary
MILLE Drachmae — τὰ νοθεῖα in Atheniensium Republ. decies mille, Grammaticorum, Rhetorum et Philosophorum stipendium sub Imperatorib. infra in vocibus Pellex et Philosophia … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Greek drachma — ελληνική δραχμή (Greek) Modern drachma coins … Wikipedia
Roman army of the mid-Republic — Contemporary portrait of Scipio Africanus, engraved on a gold signet ring manufactured in Capua, S. Italy, Considered the greatest Roman military leader of the Second Punic War, Scipio permanently drove the Carthaginians out of Spain in a series… … Wikipedia
DRACHMA — Gr. Δραχμὴ, genus nummi, quod interdum λεπτὸν ὁλκὴν, ὀβολὸν, δηνἀριον, quoque iidem dicebant, Romanis Denarius fuit, h. e. sesterti quatuor. Quod ad pondus, septem drachmae unciam incurrunt; unde consequitur, cum libra sit 12. unciarum, 84.… … Hofmann J. Lexicon universale
Batsakis v. Demotsis — Batsakis v. Demotsis, 226 S.W.2d 673 (Court of Appeals of Texas, El Paso), was a 1949 decision by the Texas Court of Appeals, United States. In the case, Batsakis (Plaintiff) sued Demotsis (Defendant) to collect on a promise Demotsis had made, in … Wikipedia
Large Hermes head — Large Hermes heads is the name used by philatelists to describe the first issue of greek stamps, issued in 1861 and used until 1886.The stamps depict a profile of the Greek messenger god Hermes (Mercury) in a frame strongly resembling that used… … Wikipedia
Postage stamps and postal history of Greece — This is a survey of the postage stamps and postal history of Greece.There was no organized civilian postal system in Greece under the Ottoman Empire, but by the 1850s a limited system had been established by independent Greece.In 1859, Britain… … Wikipedia
Pseudolus — Infobox Play | name = Pseudolus caption = Plautus writer = Plautus characters = Pseudolus, slave of Callidorus Callidorus Simo, father of Callidorus Callipho neighbor of Simo Phoenicium, prostitute Ballio, Phoenicium s pimp Harpax, slave of an… … Wikipedia
Nabataean coinage — Aretas III 85 BC The coinage of Nabataea began under the reign of Aretas II, c. 110 96 BC but it was his heir Aretas III, who at the time was in control of land extending to Damascus. The silver coinage is based on the weight of the Roman… … Wikipedia