- alliterate
- [əʹlıtəreıt] v
1. аллитерировать2. использовать аллитерацию (в художественных произведениях)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Alliterate — Al*lit er*ate, v. t. To employ or place so as to make alliteration. Skeat. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Alliterate — Al*lit er*ate, v. i. To compose alliteratively; also, to constitute alliteration. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
alliterate — (v.) to use alliteration, 1776 (implied in alliterated), back formation from ALLITERATION (Cf. alliteration), on analogy of obliterate. Related: Alliterating … Etymology dictionary
alliterate — [ə lit′ər āt΄] vi. alliterated, alliterating [back form. < ALLITERATION] 1. to constitute or show alliteration 2. to use alliteration vt. to cause to show alliteration … English World dictionary
alliterate — verb ( ated; ating) Etymology: back formation from alliteration Date: 1776 intransitive verb 1. to form an alliteration 2. to write or speak alliteratively transitive verb to arrange or place so as to make alli … New Collegiate Dictionary
alliterate — [c]/əˈlɪtəreɪt/ (say uh lituhrayt) verb (alliterated, alliterating) –verb (i) 1. to use alliteration: Swinburne often alliterates. 2. (sometimes followed by with) to show alliteration: the h in harp does not alliterate with the h in honoured .… …
alliterate — alliteration ► NOUN ▪ the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words. DERIVATIVES alliterate verb alliterative adjective alliteratively adverb. ORIGIN Latin, from littera letter … English terms dictionary
alliterate — alliterator, n. /euh lit euh rayt /, v., alliterated, alliterating. v.i. 1. to show alliteration: In Round and round the rugged rock the ragged rascal ran, the r alliterates. 2. to use alliteration: Swinburne often alliterates. v.t. 3. to compose … Universalium
alliterate — verb To use alliteration … Wiktionary
alliterate — al·lit·er·ate || É™ lɪtÉ™reɪt v. use the same phonetic sounds at the beginning of adjoining words … English contemporary dictionary
alliterate — al·lit·er·ate … English syllables