- downcome
- [ʹdaʋnkʌm] n
1) спуск; падение2) унижение
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Downcome — Down come (doun k[u^]m ), n. 1. Sudden fall; downfall; overthrow. Milton. [1913 Webster] 2. (Iron Manuf.) A pipe for leading combustible gases downward from the top of the blast furnace to the hot blast stoves, boilers, etc., where they are… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
downcome — /down kum /, n. 1. a downcomer. 2. Archaic. descent or downfall; comedown; humiliation. [1505 15; DOWN1 + COME] * * * … Universalium
downcome — v. n. Ps. cxliii. 5 … Oldest English Words
downcome — down·come … English syllables
downcome — ˈdau̇nˌkəm noun ( s) Etymology: Middle English (Scots) douncome, from Middle English doun down + come action of coming, alteration (influenced by comen to come) of kime, from Old English cyme, from cuman to come more at … Useful english dictionary
Ten Kens — Жанры Инди рок Рок Альтернативный рок Годы 2006 по сей день … Википедия
cascade — Synonyms and related words: Niagara, bag, barf, belch, bring up, burst, cataract, chute, collapse, come down, comedown, crash, daggle, dangle, debacle, debouchment, declension, declination, defluxion, deluge, depend, descend, descending,… … Moby Thesaurus
cataract — Synonyms and related words: Niagara, ablepsia, amaurosis, benightedness, blepharitis, blind side, blind spot, blindfolding, blinding, blindness, blurring the eyes, cascade, cataclysm, cecity, choroiditis, chute, collapse, come down, comedown,… … Moby Thesaurus
chute — Synonyms and related words: Ferris wheel, avenue, bank, bevel, bezel, blowhole, brolly, carousel, cascade, cataract, channel, chimney, chute the chutes, chutes, collapse, comedown, country rock, crash, debacle, debouch, declension, declination,… … Moby Thesaurus
collapse — Synonyms and related words: OD, Waterloo, amiable weakness, bankruptcy, be brought down, be felled, be found wanting, be ruined, be struck down, be traumatized, beating, become insolvent, bend, blow, bouncing check, break, break down, break out,… … Moby Thesaurus
comedown — Synonyms and related words: abasement, anticlimax, backset, bafflement, balk, bathos, belittling, betrayed hope, blasted expectation, blighted hope, blow, breakdown, buffet, cascade, cataract, check, chute, collapse, contempt, crash, cropper,… … Moby Thesaurus