- dovelike
- [ʹdʌvlaık] a
голубиный, нежный, кроткий
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Dovelike — Dove like , a. Mild as a dove; gentle; pure and lovable. Longfellow. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dovelike — 1. adjective a) Similar to a dove. b) Similar to that of a dove; as, a dovelike wing, a dovelike glance, dovelike eyes. 2. adverb a) In a manner similar to a dove; as, to dovelike, sit brooding on the v … Wiktionary
dovelike — /ˈdʌvlaɪk/ (say duvluyk) adjective like a dove; innocent; tender: dovelike softness; dovelike eyes …
dovelike — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ adjective : mild as a proverbial dove : pure and lovable : gentle our host introduced us to his two daughters, beautiful and dovelike creatures … Useful english dictionary
dovelike — Synonyms and related words: altricial, angelic, anserine, anserous, aquiline, avian, avicular, birdlike, birdy, blameless, broken, chastened, childlike, clear, columbine, domesticated, faultless, gentle, goosy, guiltless, hawklike, housebroken,… … Moby Thesaurus
dovelike — adj. similar to a dove; gentle as a dove; pure and lovable … English contemporary dictionary
columbine — columbine1 /kol euhm buyn /, n. 1. a plant, Aquilegia caerula, of the buttercup family, having showy flowers with white petals and white to blue sepals that form long, backward spurs: the state flower of Colorado. 2. any of various other plants… … Universalium
columbine — I. /ˈkɒləmbaɪn/ (say koluhmbuyn) noun any plant of the genus Aquilegia, comprising erect branching herbs with handsome flowers. {Middle English, from Late Latin columbīna, properly feminine of Latin columbīnus dovelike; from the resemblance of… …
dove — 1. n. 1 any bird of the family Columbidae, with short legs, small head, and large breast. 2 a gentle or innocent person. 3 Polit. an advocate of peace or peaceful policies (cf. HAWK(1)). 4 (Dove) Relig. a representation of the Holy Spirit (John 1 … Useful english dictionary
Dove — 1. n. 1 any bird of the family Columbidae, with short legs, small head, and large breast. 2 a gentle or innocent person. 3 Polit. an advocate of peace or peaceful policies (cf. HAWK(1)). 4 (Dove) Relig. a representation of the Holy Spirit (John 1 … Useful english dictionary
Col|um|bine — 1 «KOL uhm byn», noun. a plant whose flowers have petals shaped like hollow spurs. Wild columbines have red and yellow or blue and white flowers. Columbines are a genus of perennials belonging to the crowfoot family. The Colorado blue columbine… … Useful english dictionary