- doubleheader
1> _ам. поезд на двойной тяге
2> _ам. два матча, сыгранные подряд в один день теми же
командами (бейсбол)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Doubleheader — may refer to: Doubleheader (baseball) Two baseball games played between the same two teams on the same day. Doubleheader (television) An all inclusive sports broadcast of two games back to back. Doubleheader (fishing) When two fish are caught… … Wikipedia
doubleheader — n. two events, usually entertainment or sports performances, occurring immediately in succession or within a short time of each other; especially, two sports games played by the same teams on the same day, one right after another. Note: A… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Doubleheader — Le Doubleheader, anglicisme lexical traduit en programme double en français québécois, consiste à jouer deux matchs de baseball le même jour devant le même public (une seule recette). Dans certains cas, le public n a pas accès aux deux matchs au… … Wikipédia en Français
Doubleheader — Die Bezeichnung Doubleheader kommt ursprünglich aus dem Baseball und bezeichnet zwei direkt aufeinander folgende Spiele der gleichen Mannschaften. Baseball Beim Baseball werden die beiden Begegnungen lediglich durch eine zwanzigminütige Pause… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Doubleheader (television) — Doubleheader is used by network television to refer to two games in any sport aired back to back on the same network, even though they do not involve the same two teams (three such games may be referred to as a tripleheader, this scenario being… … Wikipedia
Doubleheader (baseball) — A doubleheader is a set of two baseball games played between the same two teams on the same day in front of the same crowd. (The term originated in the railroad industry; see Double heading.) In addition, the term is often used unofficially to… … Wikipedia
doubleheader — noun Date: 1878 1. a train pulled by two locomotives 2. two games, contests, or events held consecutively on the same program … New Collegiate Dictionary
doubleheader — /dub euhl hed euhr/, n. 1. Sports. a. two games, as of baseball, between the same teams on the same day in immediate succession. b. two games, as of basketball, between two different pairs of teams on the same day in immediate succession. 2. two… … Universalium
doubleheader — noun a) A train with two engines, (predates baseball term). b) Two games played on the same day between the same teams … Wiktionary
doubleheader — n. two games played one after the other (Basketball, Baseball); two performances given one after the other, two things that happen one after the other … English contemporary dictionary
doubleheader — dou·ble·head·er … English syllables