- doublefaced
1> двусторонний (о материи)
2> двухбойковый
double-faced hammer двухбойковый молоток; двухбоевой молот
3> лицемерный; двуличный; двурушнический
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Mila Schön — (1916 or 1917[1] – September 5, 2008) was an Italian born fashion designer. Marella Agnelli was one of her early clients. Born Maria Carmen Nutrizio, in Traù (Dalmatia) – now Croatia – on September 28, 1915 to wealthy Italian aristocratic… … Wikipedia
perfidious — a. 1. Faithless, unfaithful, venal, treacherous, false, dishonest, disloyal, doublefaced, traitorous, false hearted, deceitful, untrustworthy. 2. Treacherous, traitorous, false, disloyal, dishonest. 3. Perjured, forsworn, faithless, false … New dictionary of synonyms