- dory
- I
[ʹdɔ:rı] n амер.
лёгкая рыбачья плоскодонкаII [ʹdɔ:rı] n зоол.солнечник (Zeus)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Dory — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Hoplitas luchando con sus dorus Dory o Doru (Griego: δόρυ) era un tipo de lanza, no muy pesada que podía ser lanzada como una jabalina. Suponía el arma principal del hoplita y estaba compuesta por una pértiga d … Wikipedia Español
dory — dory1 [dôr′ē] n. pl. dories [AmInd (Central America) dori, duri, a dugout] a flat bottomed rowboat with high, flaring sides, used chiefly in commercial fishing dory2 [dôr′ē] n. pl. dories [ME dorre < MFr dorée, lit., gilt, fem. of doré, pp. of … English World dictionary
Dory — Do ry, n.; pl. {Dories}. A small, strong, flat bottomed rowboat, with sharp prow and flaring sides. [1913 Webster] || … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dory — Do ry, n.; pl. {Dories}. [Named from 1st color, fr. F. dor[ e]e gilded, fr. dorer to gild, L. deaurare. See {Deaurate}, and cf. {Aureole}.] 1. (Zo[ o]l.) A European fish. See {Doree}, and {John Doree}. [1913 Webster] 2. (Zo[ o]l.) The American… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dory [1] — Dory (gr.), Lanze … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Dory [2] — Dory, Vorgebirg mit gleichnamigem Hafenplatz auf der Insel Neu Guinea (westliches Polynesien) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Dory — (griech.), der bis 2,5 m lange, vorn in eine zweischneidige Spitze auslaufende Hoplitenspeer, dessen andres Ende auch mit eisernem Schuh bewehrt war. Von D. abgeleitet sind Doryphoren (s. d.) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Dory — f English: pet form of DORA (SEE Dora), now seldom used in that function and even less commonly bestowed as an independent given name … First names dictionary
dory — ► NOUN (pl. dories) ▪ a narrow marine fish with a large mouth. ORIGIN French dorée gilded , from Latin aurum gold … English terms dictionary
Dory — Stack of Dories at Lunenburg For the fishes known as dories, see dory (fish). For the Greek Spear, see Dory (spear). The dory is a small, shallow draft boat, about 5 to 7 metres/16.4 to 23.0 feet long. It is a lightweight and versatile boat with… … Wikipedia
dory — dory1 /dawr ee, dohr ee/, n., pl. dories. a boat with a narrow, flat bottom, high bow, and flaring sides. [1700 10, Amer.; alleged to be < Miskito dóri, dúri (if this word is itself not < E)] dory2 /dawr ee, dohr ee/, n., pl. dories. See John… … Universalium