- dorsiferous
- [dɔ:ʹsıfərəs] a
1. бот. прикреплённый тыльной частью (о пыльнике)2. зоол. несущий на спине (об улитке и т. п.)
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Dorsiferous — Dor*sif er*ous,. [Dorsum + ferous; cf. F. dorsif[ e]re.] (Biol.) Bearing, or producing, on the back; applied to ferns which produce seeds on the back of the leaf, and to certain Batrachia, the ova of which become attached to the skin of the back… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dorsiferous — adj. [L. dorsum, back; ferre, to carry] Carrying young or eggs upon the back … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
dorsiferous — /dawr sif euhr euhs/, adj. Bot. borne on the back, as the sori on most ferns. [1720 30; DORSI + FEROUS] * * * … Universalium
dorsiferous — dor·sif·er·ous … English syllables
dorsiferous — (ˈ)dȯ(r)|sif(ə)rəs adjective Etymology: dors + ferous 1. : bearing the sori on the back of the frond used of various ferns 2. : carrying the eggs or young upon the back … Useful english dictionary
Dorsiparous — Dor*sip a*rous, a. [Dorsum + L. parere to bring forth.] (Biol.) Same as {Dorsiferous}. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dorsi- — a combining form of dorsal, dorsum, as in dorsiferous. Also, dorso …
tergiferous — (ˌ)tərˈjif(ə)rəs adjective Etymology: Latin tergum + English iferous : dorsiferous … Useful english dictionary
dor|sif|er|ous — «dr SIHF uhr uhs», adjective. 1. Botany. bearing the fruit clusters of sporangia on the underside or back of the frond: »a dorsiferous fern. 2. Zoology. dorsiparous. ╂[< Latin dorsum back + English ferous] … Useful english dictionary