Смотреть что такое "dogbane" в других словарях:
dogbane — [dôg′bān΄] adj. [so named because said to be poisonous to dogs] designating a family (Apocynaceae, order Gentianales) of dicotyledonous herbs, shrubs, and trees, including frangipani and periwinkle n. any of a genus (Apocynum) of sometimes… … English World dictionary
Dogbane — Dog bane , n. [Said to be poisonous to dogs. Cf. {Apocynaceous}.] (Bot.) A small genus of perennial herbaceous plants, with poisonous milky juice, bearing slender pods pods in pairs. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dogbane — noun any of several poisonous perennial plants of the genus Apocynum having acrid milky juice and bell shaped white or pink flowers and a very bitter root • Hypernyms: ↑poisonous plant • Hyponyms: ↑common dogbane, ↑spreading dogbane, ↑rheumatism… … Useful english dictionary
dogbane — kanapinis stepukas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Stepukinių šeimos vaistinis nuodingas augalas (Apocynum cannabinum), paplitęs Šiaurės Amerikoje. atitikmenys: lot. Apocynum cannabinum angl. dogbane; hemp dogbane; Indian hemp; Indian hemp… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
dogbane — noun Date: 1597 any of a genus (Apocynum of the family Apocynaceae, the dogbane family) of often poisonous plants chiefly of temperate zone regions with milky juice and fibrous bark … New Collegiate Dictionary
dogbane — noun Any species of genus Apocynum, eponymous of the dogbane family Apocynaceae Most dogbanes are poisonous tropical plants producing showy flowers and milky juice … Wiktionary
dogbane — stepukas statusas T sritis vardynas apibrėžtis Stepukinių (Apocynaceae) šeimos augalų gentis (Apocynum). atitikmenys: lot. Apocynum angl. dogbane vok. Hundsgift; Hundswolle rus. кендырь lenk. karmnik; toina; toja … Dekoratyvinių augalų vardynas
dogbane beetle — ▪ insect (species Chrysochus auratus), member of the insect subfamily Eumolpinae of the leaf beetle family Chrysomelidae (order Coleoptera). The dogbane beetle of eastern North America is iridescent blue green with a metallic copper, golden … Universalium
dogbane family — noun chiefly tropical trees or shrubs or herbs having milky juice and often showy flowers; many are sources of drugs • Syn: ↑Apocynaceae, ↑family Apocynaceae • Hypernyms: ↑dicot family, ↑magnoliopsid family • Member Holonyms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
dogbane family — the plant family Apocynaceae, characterized by shrubs, trees, and herbaceous plants having milky and often poisonous juice, simple opposite leaves, often showy flowers, and fruit usually in dry pods, and including the dogbane, oleander,… … Universalium
dogbane — /dawg bayn , dog /, n. any of several plants of the genus Apocynum, esp. A. androsaemifolium, yielding an acrid milky juice and having an intensely bitter root. [1590 1600; DOG + BANE] * * * … Universalium