- allegoristic
- [͵ælıgəʹrıstık] a
аллегоричный, аллегористический
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
allegoristic — /al i geuh ris tik/, adj. writing or using allegory; interpreting in an allegorical sense. [ALLEGORIST + IC] * * * … Universalium
allegoristic — /æləgəˈrɪstɪk/ (say aluhguh ristik) adjective employing allegory; interpreting with allegorical meaning …
allegoristic — /al i geuh ris tik/, adj. writing or using allegory; interpreting in an allegorical sense. [ALLEGORIST + IC] … Useful english dictionary
ALLEGORY — ALLEGORY, a narrative in which the agents and the action, and sometimes the setting as well, are contrived not only to make sense in themselves, but also to signify a second correlated order of things, concepts, or events (Abrams). In the Bible A … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Philo — (20 BC 50 AD), known also as Philo of Alexandria (gr. Φίλων ὁ Ἀλεξανδρεύς), Philo Judaeus, Philo Judaeus of Alexandria, Yedidia and Philo the Jew, was a Hellenistic Jewish philosopher born in Alexandria, Egypt. Philo used allegory to fuse and… … Wikipedia
allegorist — [al′ə gôr΄ist, al′əgər ist] n. a person who writes allegories allegoristic [al′əgə ris′tik] adj … English World dictionary
ABBA MARI BEN MOSES BEN JOSEPH ASTRUC OF LUNEL — (c. 1300), writer who opposed extreme rationalism. He especially attacked the spread of philosophical allegorization of Scripture in popular sermons and the use of astral magic for healing. Abba Mari lived in Montpellier where the dispute over… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
MAIMONIDEAN CONTROVERSY — MAIMONIDEAN CONTROVERSY, a vast complex of disputed cultural, religious, and social problems, focusing around several central themes. Some of the elements of this controversy considerably antedate maimonides (1135–1204); and of the questions… … Encyclopedia of Judaism