- dockage
- [ʹdɒkıdʒ] n
1. доковые, портовые сборы2. оборудование дока3. 1) постановка (судна) в док2) стоянка в доке
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Dockage — is a factor in the grading of some grains under the official U.S. Grain Standards. Wheat dockage is described as weed seeds, weed stems, chaff, straw, or grain other than wheat, which can be readily removed from the wheat by the use of… … Wikipedia
Dockage — Dock age, n. A charge for the use of a dock. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dockage — dockage1 [däk′ij] n. [ DOCK1 + AGE] 1. the fee charged for the use of a dock 2. docking accommodations 3. the docking of ships dockage2 [däk′ij] n. [ DOCK … English World dictionary
dockage period — noun Etymology: dockage (I) : the period during which water and current conditions allow a ship to enter or leave a dock (as in a particular harbor or port) … Useful english dictionary
dockage — noun Date: 1648 1. a charge for the use of a dock 2. the docking of ships 3. docking facilities … New Collegiate Dictionary
dockage — dockage1 /dok ij/, n. 1. a charge for the use of a dock. 2. docking accommodations. 3. the act of docking a ship. [1700 10; DOCK1 + AGE] dockage2 /dok ij/, n. 1. a curtailment; deduction, as from wages. 2. waste m … Universalium
dockage — noun a) The act of docking b) A charge levied for docking … Wiktionary
dockage — Synonyms and related words: admission, admission fee, anchorage, anchorage ground, basin, berth, breakwater, brokerage, bulkhead, carfare, cellarage, charge, charges, cover charge, demand, dock, dockyard, dry dock, dues, embankment, entrance fee … Moby Thesaurus
dockage — dock·age || dÉ’kɪdÊ’ n. fee for use of a dock; facilities for docking; act of bringing a ship to dock … English contemporary dictionary
dockage — noun accommodation or berthing of ships in docks … English new terms dictionary
dockage — dock·age … English syllables