- divestitive
- [daıʹvestıtıv] a книжн.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
divestitive — stəd.iv adjective Etymology: divestiture + ive law : having the function or effect of divesting a divestitive fact puts an end to a right altogether T.E.Holland … Useful english dictionary
divestitive — di·ves·ti·tive … English syllables
divestitive fact — /dsvestatsv faekt/ Any act or event that extinguishes or modifies a jural relation … Black's law dictionary
divestitive fact — /dsvestatsv faekt/ Any act or event that extinguishes or modifies a jural relation … Black's law dictionary
Roman Law — Roman Law † Catholic Encyclopedia ► Roman Law In the following article this subject is briefly treated under the two heads of; I. Principles; II. History. Of these two divisions, I is subdivided into: A. Persons; B. Things; C. Actions … Catholic encyclopedia