- district nurse
- [ʹdıstrıktʹnɜ:s]
медсестра, обслуживающая больных на дому
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
district nurse — noun A nurse appointed to attend to patients in their own homes • • • Main Entry: ↑district * * * district nurse UK US noun [countable] [singular district nurse plural … Useful english dictionary
District nurse — District Nurses are senior nurses who manage care within the community, leading teams of community nurses and support workers.[1] Typically much of their work involves visiting house bound patients to provide advice and care, for example,… … Wikipedia
district nurse — district nurses N COUNT In Britain, a district nurse is a nurse who goes to people s houses to give them medical treatment and advice … English dictionary
district nurse — ► NOUN ▪ (in the UK) a nurse who treats patients in their homes, operating within a particular district … English terms dictionary
district nurse — n BrE a nurse who visits people in their own homes … Dictionary of contemporary English
district nurse — UK / US noun [countable] Word forms district nurse : singular district nurse plural district nurses a nurse in the UK whose job is to give people medical treatment in their own homes … English dictionary
district nurse — dis·trict nurse .dis trikt n Brit a qualified nurse who is employed by a local authority to visit and treat patients in their own homes compare VISITING NURSE * * * a trained nurse with special training in domiciliary services, usually employed… … Medical dictionary
district nurse — noun (in the UK) a nurse who visits and treats patients in their homes, operating within a particular district … English new terms dictionary
district nurse — a trained nurse with special training in domiciliary services, usually employed by a primary care trust or health board. District nurses may also be allocated to a designated general practice, an arrangement known as attachment … The new mediacal dictionary
district nurse — noun a nurse providing health care to patients within their own homes … Wiktionary
district nurse — noun (C) a nurse who visits and treats people in their own homes in Britain … Longman dictionary of contemporary English