
[dısʹtrest] a
1. бедствующий

distressed area - район массовой /хронической/ безработицы

2. терпящий бедствие; потерпевший аварию
3. мед. нарушенный; болезненный

distressed breathing - нарушенное дыхание; дыхание, причиняющее боль

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "distressed" в других словарях:

  • distressed — UK US /dɪˈstrest/ adjective ► FINANCE distressed debts, etc. are sold to investors at very low prices because there is a high risk that the company owing them will be unable to pay them back. Investors buy them because they hope to get back more… …   Financial and business terms

  • distressed — adj. 1. facing or experiencing financial trouble or difficulty; as, distressed companies need loans and technical advice. Syn: hard pressed, hard put, in a bad way(predicate), in trouble(predicate). [WordNet 1.5] 2. experienceing a generalized… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • distressed — used to describe securities, companies and related items in or near bankruptcy or insolvency. The term does not have a strict, technical or legal definition. For example, a distressed security might be a security where the issuer has defaulted or …   Glossary of Bankruptcy

  • distressed — [distrest′] adj. 1. full of distress; anxious, suffering, troubled, etc. 2. given the appearance of being antique, as by having the finish marred [distressed walnut] 3. designating or of an area in which there is widespread unemployment, poverty …   English World dictionary

  • distressed — index aggrieved (harmed), destitute, disappointed, disconsolate, impecunious, poor (underprivileged) Burton s Legal Thesaurus …   Law dictionary

  • distressed — pp. adj. from DISTRESS (Cf. distress). In reference to furniture, by 1940 …   Etymology dictionary

  • distressed — [adj] upset afflicted, agitated, all torn up*, antsy, anxious, basket case*, bothered, bugged, bummed out*, bundle of nerves*, concerned, cut up*, discombobulated*, disconsolate, distracted, distrait, distraught, dragged, exercised, fidgety,… …   New thesaurus

  • distressed — adj. 1) deeply distressed 2) distressed at, by, with (distressed at the news) 3) distressed to + inf. (I was deeply distressed to learn of your loss) * * * [dɪs trest] by with (distressed at the news) deeply distressed distressed at distressed to …   Combinatory dictionary

  • distressed — dis|tressed [dıˈstrest] adj 1.) very upset deeply/visibly distressed ▪ Hannah was deeply distressed by the news. distressed at/by ▪ My client is very distressed at the treatment she received from your officers. distressed to find/hear/see/learn… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • distressed — [[t]dɪstre̱st[/t]] 1) ADJ GRADED If someone is distressed, they are upset or worried. I feel very alone and distressed about my problem. 2) ADJ A distressed object such as a piece of furniture or an item of clothing has been deliberately made to… …   English dictionary

  • distressed — adjective 1 extremely upset and shocked: deeply distressed: Hannah was deeply distressed by the news about her father. 2 experiencing a lot of pain: The animal was clearly distressed. 3 formal having very little money: a family living in… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

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