- dissepiment
- [dıʹsepımənt] n
1) биол. перегородка2) бот. гнездо
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Dissepiment — Dis*sep i*ment, n. [L. dissaepimentum, fr. dissaepire; dis + saepire to hedge in, inclose.] 1. A separating tissue; a partition; a septum. [1913 Webster] 2. (Bot.) One of the partitions which divide a compound ovary into cells. [1913 Webster] 3.… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dissepiment — [di sep′ə mənt] n. [L dissaepimentum < dis , from + saepire, to fence in: see SEPTUM] Biol. a separating membrane or partition, as that between adjacent carpels of a compound ovary … English World dictionary
dissepiment — noun Etymology: Latin dissaepimentum partition, from dissaepire to divide, from dis + saepire to fence in more at septum Date: circa 1727 a dividing tissue ; septum … New Collegiate Dictionary
dissepiment — (s) n.; n. pl. [L. dissaepire, to separate] 1. A partitioning wall; a septum. 2. (ARTHROPODA: Insecta) a. The septa of an embryo, separating the coelom sacs. b. The enclosing membrane of an obtect pupa. 3. (CNIDARIA: Anthozoa) A transverse… … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
dissepiment — dissepimental, adj. /di sep euh meuhnt/, n. 1. Anat., Zool. a partition or septum in a tissue. 2. Bot. one of the partitions formed within ovaries and fruits by the coherence of the sides of the constituent carpels. [1720 30; < L dissaepimentum,… … Universalium
dissepiment — noun partition (in an organ); septum … Wiktionary
dissepiment — A separating tissue, partition, or septum. [L. dis sepio, pp. septus, to divide by a fence] * * * dis·sep·i·ment dis ep ə mənt n a dividing tissue: SEPTUM * * * dis·sep·i·ment (dĭ sepґĭ mənt) partition; separation … Medical dictionary
Dissepiment — Dis|se|pi|mẹnt 〈n. 11〉 1. Scheidewand im Körper von Korallen 2. falsche Scheidewand in der Frucht [<lat. dis „auseinander “ + saepimentum „Zaun, Wall“] * * * Dis|se|pi|mẹnt, das; s, e [lat. dissaepimentum = Scheidewand] (Biol.): Scheidewand… … Universal-Lexikon
Dissepiment — Dis|se|pi|mẹnt 〈n.; Gen.: (e)s, Pl.: e; Biol.〉 1. Scheidewand im Körper von Korallen 2. falsche Scheidewand in der Frucht [Etym.: <dis… + lat. saepimentum »Zaun, Wall«] … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Dissepiment — Dis|se|pi|ment das; s, e u. Dis|se|pi|m’en|tum das; s, ...ta <aus lat. dissaepimentum »Scheidewand« zu dissaepire »abzäunen, trennen«> Scheidewand im Innern von Blumentieren, Regenwürmern u. Armfüßern (Biol.) … Das große Fremdwörterbuch
dissepiment — n. septum, partition (Anatomy, Zoology); partition (Botany) … English contemporary dictionary