
1. [dısʹlaık] n
нерасположение; неприязнь, антипатия

likes and dislikes - симпатии и антипатии

to show a strong dislike for /of, to/ smb. - не терпеть кого-л.

to take a dislike to smb. - невзлюбить кого-л.

to conceive a dislike for smth. - почувствовать отвращение к чему-л.

I have a particular dislike for him - он внушает мне крайнюю неприязнь

2. [dısʹlaık] v
испытывать неприязнь, не любить

to dislike going away from home - не любить уезжать из дому

I dislike the man - этот человек мне не нравится

the two dislike each other by instinct - и тот и другой инстинктивно недолюбливают друг друга

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "dislike" в других словарях:

  • dislike — dis*like , n. 1. A feeling of positive and usually permanent aversion to something unpleasant, uncongenial, or offensive; disapprobation; repugnance; displeasure; disfavor; the opposite of liking or fondness. [1913 Webster] God s grace . . .… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dislike — n Dislike, distaste, aversion, disfavor mean the state of mind of one who is not drawn to or turns from or avoids a person or thing; often these terms imply the manifestation of the state of mind. Dislike normally suggests the finding of… …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • dislike — verb. The normal construction is with an object, which can be a noun (We dislike modern art) or a verbal noun (They dislike being absent). It is non standard to follow dislike with a to infinitive, although this is sometimes found: • ☒ She was… …   Modern English usage

  • Dislike — Dis*like , v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Disliked}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Disliking}.] 1. To regard with dislike or aversion; to disapprove; to disrelish. [1913 Webster] Every nation dislikes an impost. Johnson. [1913 Webster] 2. To awaken dislike in; to… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • dislike — [n] antagonism, hatred toward something animosity, animus, antipathy, aversion, deprecation, detestation, disapprobation, disapproval, disesteem, disfavor, disgust, disinclination, displeasure, dissatisfaction, distaste, enmity, hostility,… …   New thesaurus

  • dislike — ► VERB ▪ feel distaste for or hostility towards. ► NOUN 1) a feeling of dislike. 2) a thing that is disliked. DERIVATIVES dislikable (also dislikeable) adjective …   English terms dictionary

  • dislike — I noun abhorrence, abomination, animosity, animus, antagonism, antipathy, aversion, contempt, detestation, disaffection, disapprobation, disapproval, discomfort, disdain, disfavor, disgust, disinclination, disparagement, displeasure,… …   Law dictionary

  • dislike — (v.) 1540s (implied in disliking), hybrid which ousted native mislike as the opposite of LIKE (Cf. like). Related: Disliked; disliking. English in 16c. also had the excellent dislove hate, cease to love, but it did not survive …   Etymology dictionary

  • dislike — [dis līk′] vt. disliked, disliking to have a feeling of not liking; feel aversion to; have objections to n. 1. a feeling of not liking; distaste; aversion; antipathy 2. something disliked dislikable adj. dislikeable …   English World dictionary

  • dislike — {{Roman}}I.{{/Roman}} noun 1 feeling of not liking sb/sth ADJECTIVE ▪ deep, extreme, great, intense, real, strong, violent, visceral ▪ Several …   Collocations dictionary

  • Dislike — (Roget s Thesaurus) < N PARAG:Dislike >N GRP: N 1 Sgm: N 1 dislike dislike distaste disrelish disinclination displacency GRP: N 2 Sgm: N 2 reluctance reluctance Sgm: N 2 backwardness backwardness &c.(unwillingness) 603 …   English dictionary for students

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