- dishonor
- 1. [dısʹɒnə] амер. = dishonour I и II 2. [dısʹɒnə] амер. = dishonour I и II
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
dishonor — dis·hon·or 1 n: refusal on the part of the issuer (as a bank) to pay or accept commercial paper (as a check) when it is presented see also wrongful dishonor dishonor 2 vt: to refuse to pay or accept a bank dishonor ing the checks for insufficient … Law dictionary
Dishonor — Dis*hon or (d[i^]s*[o^]n [ e]r or d[i^]z*[o^]n [ e]r), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Dishonored} (d[i^]s*[o^]n [ e]rd or d[i^]z*[o^]n [ e]rd); p. pr. & vb. n. {Dishonoring}.] [OE. deshonouren, F. d[ e]shonorer; pref. d[ e]s (L. dis ) + honorer to honor,… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Dishonor — Dis*hon or (d[i^]s*[o^]n [ e]r or d[i^]z*[o^]n [ e]r), n. [OE. deshonour, dishonour, OF. deshonor, deshonur, F. d[ e]shonneur; pref. des (L. dis ) + honor, honur, F. honneur, fr. L. honor. See {Honor}.] [Written also {dishonour}.] [1913 Webster]… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
dishonor — [n] state of shame abasement, abuse, affront, blame, degradation, discourtesy, discredit, disesteem, disfavor, disgrace, disrepute, ignominy, indignity, infamy, insult, obloquy, odium, offense, opprobrium, outrage, reproach, scandal, slight;… … New thesaurus
dishonor — [dis än′ər] n. [ME deshonour < OFr deshonor: see DIS & HONOR] 1. a) loss of honor, respect, or reputation b) state of shame; disgrace; ignominy 2. a person, thing, or action that brings dishonor; discredit 3 … English World dictionary
dishonor — n *disgrace, disrepute, shame, infamy, ignominy, opprobrium, obloquy, odium Analogous words: humiliation, humbling, debasement, degradation, abasement (see corresponding verbs at ABASE): *stigma, brand, blot, stain Antonyms: honor Contrasted… … New Dictionary of Synonyms
dishonor — {{11}}dishonor (n.) c.1300, from O.Fr. deshonor (12c.); see DISHONOR (Cf. dishonor) (v.). {{12}}dishonor (v.) mid 13c., from O.Fr. deshonorer (12c.), from L.L. dishonorare (reformed from classical L. dehonestare), from dis opposite of (see DIS… … Etymology dictionary
dishonor — I noun 1. a state of shame or disgrace (Freq. 1) he was resigned to a life of dishonor • Syn: ↑dishonour • Ant: ↑honor • Derivationally related forms: ↑ … Useful english dictionary
dishonor — dishonorer, n. /dis on euhr/, n. 1. lack or loss of honor; disgraceful or dishonest character or conduct. 2. disgrace; ignominy; shame: His arrest brought dishonor to his family. 3. an indignity; insult: to do someone a dishonor. 4. a cause of… … Universalium
dishonor — dis|hon|or1 [ dıs anər ] noun uncount FORMAL the fact that people no longer respect you because of something bad you have been involved in: bring dishonor on/upon: What she had done had brought dishonor on the whole family. dishonor dis|hon|or 2… … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
dishonor — n. 1) to bring dishonor on, to 2) a dishonor to … Combinatory dictionary