
[͵ælıʹment(ə)rı] a
1. 1) пищевой
2) питательный; связанный с питанием

alimentary therapeutics - диетотерапия

3) анат. пищеварительный

alimentary system - органы пищеварения

2. поддерживающий, подкрепляющий, оказывающий помощь
3. юр. алиментный, относящийся к алиментам; связанный с содержанием (кого-л.)

Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.

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Смотреть что такое "alimentary" в других словарях:

  • Alimentary — Al i*men ta*ry, a. [L. alimentarius, fr. alimentum: cf. F. alimentaire.] Pertaining to aliment or food, or to the function of nutrition; nutritious; alimental; as, alimentary substances. [1913 Webster] {Alimentary canal}, the entire channel,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • alimentary — (adj.) 1610s, from M.L. alimentarius pertaining to food, from L. alimentum nourishment, from alere to nourish, rear, support, maintain, from PIE root *al to grow, nourish (see OLD (Cf. old)) …   Etymology dictionary

  • alimentary — [adj] digestive comestible, dietary, digestible, nourishing, nutrient, nutritional, nutritious, nutritive, peptic, salutary, sustaining, sustentative; concepts 406,485 …   New thesaurus

  • alimentary — [al΄ə men′tə rē, al΄əmen′trē] adj. [L alimentarius: see ALIMENT] 1. connected with food or nutrition 2. nourishing 3. furnishing support or sustenance …   English World dictionary

  • alimentary — Relating to food or nutrition. [L. alimentarius, fr. alimentum, nourishment] * * * al·i·men·ta·ry .al ə ment ə rē, men trē adj of, concerned with, or relating to nourishment or to the function of nutrition: NUTRITIVE <alimentary processes of… …   Medical dictionary

  • alimentary — /æləˈmɛntri / (say aluh mentree) adjective 1. concerned with the function of nutrition. 2. relating to food; nutritious. 3. providing sustenance or maintenance. 4. Law protective: an alimentary trust …  

  • alimentary — adj. of, relating to, or providing nourishment or sustenance. Phrases and idioms: alimentary canal Anat. the passage along which food is passed from the mouth to the anus during digestion. Etymology: L alimentarius (as ALIMENT) …   Useful english dictionary

  • Alimentary canal — Alimentary Al i*men ta*ry, a. [L. alimentarius, fr. alimentum: cf. F. alimentaire.] Pertaining to aliment or food, or to the function of nutrition; nutritious; alimental; as, alimentary substances. [1913 Webster] {Alimentary canal}, the entire… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • alimentary system — n the organ system devoted to the ingestion, digestion, and assimilation of food and the discharge of residual wastes and consisting of the alimentary canal and those glands or parts of complex glands that secrete digestive enzymes * * * systema… …   Medical dictionary

  • alimentary canal — or alimentary tract n. the passage in the body through which food passes and in which it is digested, extending from the mouth through the esophagus, stomach, and intestines to the anus …   English World dictionary

  • alimentary tract — alimentary canal …   Dictionary of ichthyology

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