- disapprobative disapprobatory
disapprobative, disapprobatory
1> неодобрительный, осуждающий
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
Новый большой англо-русский словарь. 2001.
disapprobative — (|)dis+ adjective Etymology: dis (I) + approbative : disapprobatory … Useful english dictionary
deprecatory — adj 1. censuring, reproachful, op probious, impeaching, slating, inveighing, reproving, recriminating, reprehensive, reprobative, reprobating; denunciatory, denunciating, railing, cursing, condemnatory, maledictory, anathematizing; berating,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
derogatory — adj 1. discrediting, disfavorable, unfavorable, disapproving, disapprobatory, disapprobative; censuring, reproachful, opprobrious, impeaching, slating, inveighing, reproving, recriminating, reprehensive, reprobative, reprobating. 2. belittling,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
detractive — adj 1. belittling, disparaging, demeaning, deflating, derogatory, derogative, derogating, detractory, detracting, depreciatory, depreciative, depreciating, devaluating; humiliating, humbling, mortifying; lampooning, caricaturing, ridiculing,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
opprobrious — adj 1. disgraceful, dishonorable, shameful, degraded, inglorious; infamous, ignominious, odious, contemptible, despicable, detestable, sordid, degenerate, depraved, horrible, heinous, vicious, atrocious, flagitious; corrupt, reprehensible,… … A Note on the Style of the synonym finder
disapprobation — /ˌdɪsæprəˈbeɪʃən / (say .disapruh bayshuhn) noun → disapproval. –disapprobative, adjective –disapprobatory, adjective …